Sunday, December 29, 2019

Having a Word Transplant

1 Christmas  A     December 29, 2019
Is.61:10-62:3     Ps. 147:13-21
Gal. 3:23-25,4:4-7  John 1:1-18
In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God.  All thing came into being through Him.  In him was life and the life of the light of all people.

This revisit of the creation story has always made me think of Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan, the so called "Miracle Worker."

Helen was unable to see, to hear or speak.  She despite her impairments was a very capable person, but she was locked off from discovering her capacities.  She thrashed around being organized and domesticated by people who had their full language ability.  Her life was an interior chaos.  What could move over the deep of her chaos?

One day after repeated efforts of her teacher to sign into her hand; the association of water running over her hand and w-a-t-e-r being signed into her hand suddenly created her life.  She suddenly became a word fanatic; she wanted to know every word.  She wanted the full creation of her life.  In the word is life or John's Gospel says "zoe."  Helen Keller had life, she since birth had had "bios" or biological life; but she needed "zoe" life or abundant, creative, telling, spirit-life.  It is Word which create human life and makes us different among the other biological life.

I have come to believe that you and I are constituted by the words of our lives.  How we have taken on the words of our lives forms the character in that they have become the repetitive scripts of our lives that we live out.

We are at the end of our year and we might be pondering some New Year resolutions, in hopes of making some change.  How can we change some to the repetitive scripts that we have been living out?  The one's that we or others have come to call losing scripts, scripts which are not good for our physical, psychological, social or spiritual health.

Words are life.  Words are spirit.  Words are the driving scripts of our lives.  In John's Gospel, Jesus is quoted as saying, "My words are spirit and they are life."

So if we are going to be involved in changing our lives, we are going to have to have a "word transplant" in our lives.  We are going to have to dissolve existing word conditions which are losing scripts.  How do come into word transplants in our lives toward the positive change of repentance?  Through words.  We expose ourselves to new words.  We read, we look for new models and mentors who can give us new direction.  We practice new words in doing things different with our body language.  We change our dance choreography; we change the choreography of our body behavior toward health, love and justice.

Here we are; we are comprised of language, life scripts that we cannot help but live out.  And yet we still want something more; we want "zoe" creative, abundant life, beyond our biological existence.  We want to be explorative, even like Helen Keller who discovered that words were the creation of her life, and she really ended up having her life created very well by words.

Please make the year 2020 a Word year for yourselves.  Discover how your life and your behaviors are constituted by the ways in which you have taken on language even into the programming of your body behaviors.  Journal, write, speak, pray, read, learn, get in touch with the words that you have and how they use you for good and bad in your life.

How do you and I change our lives?  The best way is to have our socks knocked off by some new insights, new awareness when we come to say, "Wow, I'm never going to be the same."

This is what I hope for each of us in our Word life in 2020: That we will come to some very insightful "Wow!" experiences which will make life changes exciting and not drudgery.

In our beginning of significant human life has been the Word.  The Word was with God.  The Word was God.  The Word is our life.  The Word is our Light.  The Word is being made flesh in us.  The Word is trying to take over our body language toward love, kindness and mutual regard.

We see so much of dark human words and behaviors on display today in our media.  We truly need Christ as the Enlightened and Creative Spirit Word in our lives today.  Amen.

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