Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Quiz of the Day, December 2019

Quiz of the Day, December 31, 2019

Frances Joseph Gaudet is best know for what?

a. hymnody
b. prison reform
c. mission work with Native Americans
d. ministry to the deaf

Quiz of the Day, December 30, 2019

Which prophet resuscitated life of a young boy?

a. Jeremiah
b. Amos
c. Elijah
d. Joel

Quiz of the Day December 29, 2019

Samuel was not

a. a nazirite
b. son of Hannah
c. anointer of Saul
d. anointer of David
e. a Judge of Israel
f.  a member of the tribe of Dan

Quiz of the Day, December 28, 2019

The event of the Holy Innocents puts Jesus in direct contrast with whom?

a. David
b. Elijah
c. Moses
d. Abel

Quiz of the Day, December 27, 2019

Of the following book of the New Testament, which has a self-identifying author with the name of John?

a. 1 John
b. 2 John
c. 3 John
d. John
e. Revelations

Quiz of the Day, December 26, 2019

The Infancy Narratives of Jesus are found in which Gospels?

a. Luke and Matthew
b. Mark and Luke
c. John and Matthew
d. Matthew and Mark
e. Luke and John
f. Mark and John

Quiz of the Day, December 25, 2019

Which mystic said that we needed to be mothers of God in our world?

a. John of the Cross
b. Meister Eckhart
c. Teresa of Avila
d. Julian of Norwich

Quiz of the Day, December 24, 2019

To whom was the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles written?

a. to the Gentile churches
b. to Theophilus
c. to synagogue members in Asia Minor
d. to the Pauline churches

Quiz of the Day, December 23, 2019

What is the priestly order of Abijah?

a. a division of priests set by King David
b. one of 24 divisions of priests from the time of David
c. an order of priest from Abijah, a descendent of Eleazar, son of Aaron
d. the order of priest of the father of John the Baptist
e. all of the above

 Quiz of the Day, December 22, 2019

Who is the biblical dragon slayer?

a. St. George
b. Gabriel
c. Raphael
d. Michael

Quiz of the Day, December 21, 2019

Which apostle was referred to as "the twin?"

a. Nathaniel
b. Thaddaeus
c. Thomas
d. Matthias

Quiz of the Day, December 20, 2019

Who was Martin Luther's wife?

a. he was an Augustinian monk and not married
b. a former nun
c. a member of the minor nobility
d. Katharina von Bora
e. b, c, and d
f. b and d

Quiz of the Day, December 19, 2019

Where is the reference to the Lion of Judah found in the Bible?

a. Genesis
b. The Psalms
c. Daniel
d. Revelations
e. a and b
f. a and c
g. a and d

Quiz of the Day, December 18, 2019

Which of the following is not one of the four living creatures of the Book of Revelations?

a. horse
b. ox
c. lion
d. eagle
e. man

Quiz of the Day, December 17, 2019 

The desolating sacrilege mentions in the Gospel words of Jesus have their precedence in which book of Hebrew Scriptures?

a. The Psalms
b. Zechariah
c. Daniel
d. Haggai

Quiz of the Day, December 16, 2019

Which architect designed churches which came to be dubbed as "carpenter Gothic?"

a. Frank Lloyd Wright
b. Richard Upjohn
c. Louis Sullivan
d. E. Fay Jones Quiz of the Day, December 15, 2019

Gaudete is

a. Latin for "rejoice"
b. An Advent Carol
c. Third Sunday of Advent
d. All of the above

Quiz of the Day, December 14, 2019

The "Dark Night of the Soul," is spiritual metaphor which derives from whom?

a. Walter Hilton
b. Jacob Boehme
c. John of the Cross
d. Author of "The Cloud of Unknowing"

Quiz of the Day, December 13, 2019

Which of the following is not one of seven churches referred to in the Book of Revelations?

a. Thyatira
b. Smyrna
c. Rome
d. Laodicea
e. Philadelphia
f. Pergamum

Quiz of the Day, December 12, 2019

Who is St. Juan Diego?

a. a disciple of St. Juan de la Cruz
b. a second generation Jesuit
c. a recipient of a Marian apparition in Mexico
d. a Spanish mystic from the 15th century

Quiz of the Day, December 11, 2019

Which theologian is called the architect of "neo-orthodoxy?"

a. Paul Tillich
b. Karl Barth
c. Richard Niebuhr
d. J.A.T. Robinson

Quiz of the Day, December 10, 2019

Thomas Merton was a Trappist monk.  Of what order were the Trappists?

a. Jesuit
b. Dominican
c. Benedictine
d. Cistercian

Quiz of the Day, December 9, 2019

The  Nunc dimittis, Benedictus and Magnificat are found in which Gospel?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, December 8, 2019

Zechariah gave his son the name John?  From what language did this name derive?

a. Hebrew
b. Classical Greek
c. koine Greek
d. Aramaic

Quiz of the Day, December 7, 2019

Which of the following is not true about St. Ambrose?

a. he was a governor when he was asked to be bishop of Milan
b. he was not baptized when he was asked to be bishop of Milan
c. he had not been a priest or deacon when asked to be bishop of Milan
d. he was member of the Arian doctrinal party
e. he ran away and hid when he was asked to be bishop
f. he had to be baptized before being made a bishop

Quiz of the Day, December 6, 2019

Which of the following did not derive from St. Nicolas of Myra?

a. Sinter Claus
b. Baba Noel
c. Kris Kringle
d. Santa Claus
e. Père Noël
f.  San Myra

Quiz of the Day, December 5, 2019

Which of the following is not regarded in the scholarly analysis of biblical genre?

a. Law
b. Prophecy
c. Apocalyptic
d. Narrative
e. Wisdom
f.  Poetry
g. Fiction

Quiz of the Day, December 4, 2019

Of the following which is not true of John of Damascus?

a. he worked as a civil servant of a Muslim Caliph
b. he was an iconoclast
c. he defended the validity of icons
d. he was a musician

Quiz of the Day, December 3, 2019

Francis Xavier was the sole founder of which order?

a. The Society of Jesus
b. The Jesuits
c. The Society of St. Mary
d. none of the above

Quiz of the Day, December 2, 2019

Who of the following regarded Jesus to be primarily prophet proclaiming an imminent apocalypse?

a. Bart Ehrman
b. Albert Schweitzer
c. Marcus Borg
d. The Jesus Seminar
e.  a and b
f. b and c

 Quiz of the Day, December 1, 2019

Advent comes from "adventus," and was a translation of what Greek word referring to the Second Coming of Christ?

a. epiphania
b. maranatha
c. parousia
d. apocalupsis

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