Thursday, January 5, 2023

Prayers for Christmas 2022-2023

Thursday of Christmas 1, January 5, 2023

God, whom we want to claim as ours, and often in implying that you have our limited provincial interests; remind us again that you are manifest to all, especially to those who might be most foreign to our own experience.  Let us ponder the wideness of your manifestation and experience the gradually widening of our own hearts.  Amen.

Wednesday of Christmas 1, January 4, 2023

God, who is our Hope, our endless future is in you even as we are committed to what is best in current situation of our lives.  Give us grace not to put off the excellence which is required of this day to be expressive of love and justice.  Amen.

Tuesday of Christmas 1, January 3, 2023

Gracious God of Good News, the Epiphany of Jesus is the Good Fame that is needed in our world which promulgates so many undesirable models of evil or the merely benign.  Let us latch onto the good news from the truly worthy model given to us in Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Monday of Christmas 1, January 2, 2023

God and Father of Jesus, you gave your Son-child Jesus to Mary and Joseph, and you gave them grace to share him with the entire world as a sign of your abiding presence with us.  Give us grace to so show forth the love and justice of Christ that we might winsomely persuade the world of your love.  Amen.

Sunday, Feast of the Holy Name, January 1, 2023

God, the Holy Name of Jesus was given in time to be a source of coalescing our identity around what is our human salvation, our holy health in the best human behaviors of love and justice.  Amen.

  Saturday after Christmas, December 31, 2022

God of continuous time, we mark a last day of the year in how we classify time, even as today has both sameness and differences with what has come before.  Help us to honor time by what we do in the times of our life as we seek the health of salvation of loving and just lives.  Amen.

Friday after Christmas, December 30, 2022

God, whom we name, even though you cannot be contained by any name, we address you as open, continuing surpassing greatness whose capacity contains all and us.  We thank you for the permission to use your name as a sign of being in relationship with you, and we desire to serve this relationship better each day.  Amen.

The Fifth Day of Christmas, December 29, 2022

Glorious Word made flesh, you have never ceased the creative process of the word being made continuously material world events to our perception.  You also became flesh in love and justice and to these valuing actions we commit our own dynamic of being word made flesh.  Amen.

Feast of the Holy Innocent, December 28, 2022

God, who became submitted to the vulnerability of a baby in the Christ Child; we asks for the angels of children to keep them safe, especially from human tyrants and human adult behaviors which jeopardize their safety.  Amen.

The Third Day of Christmas, December 27, 2022

God of mystery, the beloved disciple is an unnamed one and perhaps invites one to enter into knowing oneself as a beloved disciples, beloved pupil and student of Christ, who lives among other who are or who are realizing their beloved status as well.  Give us grace to live as beloved ones with each other.  Amen.

The Second Day of Christmas, December 26, 2022

God, we thank you that you are definitively known because we have Word, and that Word has and always already become flesh.  Give us grace to elevate the meaning of words through the practice of justice, love, and care.  Amen.

Christmas Day, December 25, 2022

God, forgive us for not recognizing the divine presence everywhere, even as we offer thanks this day that the Godly Presence became particular in the human child Jesus to remind us the surprising places for the divine to be made apparent.  Amen.

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