Saturday, May 27, 2023

Prayers for Easter, 2023

Saturday in 7 Easter, May 27, 2023

God who is every where, help us to realize being in the Spirit as a way to live and move and have our being.  Amen.

Friday in 7 Easter, May 26, 2023

Gracious God who is Plenitude; like fish in water, we live in you and a connection with you and everything else; give us grace to work on the best possible connections especially with other people with the excellence of actualized love and justice. Amen.

Thursday in 7 Easter, May 25, 2023

Invisible Spirit, as the wind blows the branches on a tree, let your visible effects be known today in and through us as the words and deeds of love and justice.  Amen.

Wednesday in 7 Easter, May 24, 2023

Holy Spirit, conductor of all experience for mutual and reciprocal living; give us grace to submit to your gentle orchestrations so that we might play the harmonies of love and justice.  Amen.

Tuesday in 7 Easter, May 23, 2023

Holy Spirit, you are the life force enabling us to be instruments of the divine; blow your breath through us to achieve the love and justice which is needed for our survival and hope for the future.  Amen.

Monday in 7 Easter, May 22, 2023

Creator God, whom we believe to have called creation good; give us the same appreciative care for the diversity of creation and let mutual care be the unifying Spirit of our lives.  Amen.

Sunday, 7 Easter, May 21, 2023

Gracious God, you encourage us to prayer so as to acknowledge at all time the larger context; we know that our specifically located context resides within many unknown causative details; give us grace to accept the mystery of what we do not and cannot know, but give us courage to trust the best of our instincts toward a loving and just world.  Amen.

Saturday in 6 Easter, May 20, 2023

Christ who is the sign of divine-human bi-linguality; you lived and spoke human experience divinely so that we might have the best pattern to follow not in trying to emulate all the features of the time of Jesus, but to interpret the message of love into our time and place.  Let our interpretations of your life be known as the practice of justice in our lives.  Amen.

 Friday, in 6 Easter, May 19, 2023

Lord Jesus Christ, in your priestly prayer you ask that we might be one as you are one with the Father; give us grace to be the answer to that prayer as we accept our unity with our heavenly parent.  Amen.

Ascension Day, May 18, 2023

Eternal Word of God, you were emptied into the limitations of being a human being in time, but you returned to your pan-linguistic all in allness in the Ascension; grant us an awareness of your presence wherever we go today.  Amen.

Wednesday in 6 Easter, May 17, 2023

Eternal Word of God, you are essence of communication and encourage us to use prayer discourse as a way of relating our inner world of mystery with the outer world of sensorial objects; let us exalt our use of language with the habit of prayer and so invoke the angelic messengers of the divine on the ladder between the inner and outer world.  Amen.

Tuesday in 6 Easter, May 16, 2023

God who is ever emptied into the created order, and yet remains the fullness of being the All; help us to activated the "emptied" portion of divinity with our lives so that we might had to the harmony of justice and love which is the divine score of the universe.  Amen.

Monday in 6 Easter, May 15, 2023

Gracious Jesus, we have lived without the majority never having seen or touched you, yet we have in faith claimed access to your inner life of word and spirit; keep bringing the effects of love and justice to his world even in your hidden presence.  Amen.

Sunday, 6 Easter, May 14, 2023, also U.S. Mother's Day

God, in you we live and move and have our being so that we can never be birthed outside of you; we remain ever within the God-womb of being and becoming.  Give us grace to live together well as ever your family with hopes of maturing in love and justice.  Amen.

Saturday in 5 Easter, May 13, 2023

God who contains all and lovingly cares for all, you still allow a challenging and oft baffling freedom of occurrences to make life an ordeal and a maze, interspersed with incredible delight and joy to buoy us to continue as we seek to be lured by love and justice as the best way to live in free conditions.  Amen.

 Friday in 5 Easter, May 12, 2023

God, help to accept your immanence even when kindness does not seem to rule the events of life; give us courage to honor the moral significance which arises from the genuine freedom in our world.  Amen.

Thursday in 5 Easter, May 11, 2023

God who ever is creative freedom, we are grateful for having the genuine freedom of agency to contribute to what actually becomes, even as with fear and trembling we honor the awesome task of freely making this world better.  Amen.

Wednesday in 5 Easter, May 10, 2023

God, the expanding Container of All in time, let our contribution to the expansion of All be the creative acts of love and justice and so build a better future.  Amen.

Tuesday in 5 Easter, May 9, 2023

God who is the Parent of All, we acknowledge that there are many who feel like orphans in our world; give us grace to be active in the work of Jesus who said that he would not leave us as orphans.  Amen.

Monday in 5 Easter, May 8, 2023

God of expanding horizon, we can never reach your outermost edge, even as you contain us who live and become within you; give us grace to be good stewards of the existential territory where we find ourselves located within the overarching divine milieu.  Amen.

Sunday, 5 Easter, May 7, 2023

Lord Jesus Christ, we are part of the greater works of the future which you promised would happen after you left; give us your Spirit to keep filling the future with the greatness of love and justice.  Amen.

Saturday in 4 Easter, May 6, 2023

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the way, the truth, and the life; we seek to follow your way in honesty with the hope of abundant life.  Amen.

Friday in 4 Easter, May 5, 2023

Gracious Christ, you promised not to leave us a orphans and to teach us access to our heavenly parent who has a dwelling place for us; let our bodies be made fit dwellings for the presence as we honor our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Thursday in 4 Easter, May 4, 2023

God of creation, from your Plentitude we have a home to live in and from the words of Jesus we will have future places prepared for us; give us grace to take good care of the our earthly home and to be those who provide homes for those who do not have a place to live.  Amen.

Wednesday in 4 Easter, May 3, 2023

O God, the vastness of Plenitude persuades us about the vastness and our connection with all being; give us grace to join with others who are persuaded about the superior values of love and justice coming to all people.  Amen.

Tuesday in 4 Easter, May 2, 2023

God, because we have language, we confess ourselves as smart parts of Plentitude.  Because we have language, we are persons who see everything as personal, and so we confess you as a personal Plenitude with relational regard for everything.  Give us secrets to good relational behaviors today.  Amen.

Monday in 4 Easter, May 1, 2023

God, you are the dwelling of the universe itself and you send your homing invitations to us as the Hospitable One who has made a place for us and we recognize ourselves today as a dwelling place for You.  Amen.

 Sunday, 4 Easter, April 30, 2023

Gracious and Shepherding God, bring to an end those who use power and position to exploit the vulnerable who do not have the capacity to fend for themselves.  Amen.

Saturday in 3 Easter, April 29, 2023

God of Easter, who renews the world through loving service; give us grace to follow the Good Shepherd Jesus who came to lay down his life for his friends.  Amen.

Friday in 3 Easter, April 28, 2023

Holy God, we are so lost in your All-ness, that we cannot but humbly be but short occasions within your constant expanding creating environment; give us grace to pursue enlightened togetherness in your All-ness today.  Amen.

Thursday in 3 Easter, April 27, 2023

God of everything circumstance, we can know plenty and we can know need; let the situations of plenty and need be matched today to balance human living with wise reciprocity for the common good.  Amen.

Wednesday in 3 Easter, April 26, 2023

God, we confess you as our shepherd, because you are more than the exploitive shepherds of this worlds; you care for us not for our potential products but for the delight of friendship.  Grant us courage to oppose the exploitive relationship in our world so that we may lovingly delight in you and each other.  Amen.

Tuesday in 3 Easter, April 25, 2023

God, whom we assume is a Language User, because we confess you as language users to be Word made flesh; give us the humility to avoid limiting you to but our words about you since they necessarily must be mixed with every possible word that could be.  Amen.

Monday in 3 Easter, April 24, 2023

Gracious God, we are given the image of Christ as the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his friends; give us grace to lay down our lives with the redirection of our life energy for the good of others.  Amen.

Sunday, 3 Easter, April 23, 2023

Gracious God, we cherish the surprises when the Sublime meets and encourages us with hope; we asks for adequate surprises to be discovered today to motivate plentiful survival for the manifold peoples of this world.  Amen.

Saturday in 2 Easter, April 22, 2023

God who is mostly incognito in the world in any specific way you are best known in the plenitude of everything, altogether, all at once; give us grace to live with the mystery of everything, altogether, all at once while being diligent to make particular the meaning of your best Name of Love.  Amen.

Friday in 2 Easter, April 21, 2023

God we live in the unknowing of things happening in ways that we didn't hope for and we live with the resolutions of past uncertainties becoming present certain knowledge; give us the faith in the now to assume hindsight certainty as present trust based upon our knowledge of your loving heart for us.  Amen.

Thursday in 2 Easter, April 20, 2023

God who has been unveiled in serendipitous moments to many; thank you for the surprises of your apparent favor and let these surprises help us to highlight the general sustaining presence of the divine milieu in which we live and move and have our being.  Amen.

Wednesday in 2 Easter, April 19, 2023

God whose presence is experienced by us as apparent or non-apparent; give us grace to retreat to your omnipresence even when you don't seem so obvious in the manifestation of seeming negative outcomes of freedom in our lives.  Amen.

Tuesday in 2 Easter, April 18, 2023

Christ of the resurrection, you have become the one proclaimed as All and in All; let this general omnipresence be made known as specific presence to us in our efforts to become more Christ-like in our behaviors.  Amen.

Monday in 2 Easter, April 17, 2023

Omnipresent God who is also known as Christ as All and in All; surprise us today with the sublime presences which we need to live and promote the love and justice needed to sustain the people of the world today.  Amen.

The Second Sunday of Easter, April 16, 2023

Gracious God, teach us holy doubting when inappropriate interpretations of life do not fit; give us open minds to be renewed in what is appropriate to love and justice in each situation.  Amen.

Easter Saturday, April 15, 2023

God of surprise, the introduction of resurrection gave a new narrative for hope; give us grace to ever keep hope alive in the lives of as many people as we can today.  Amen.

Easter Friday, April 14, 2023

Gracious God, give us wisdom to recognize the many resurrection appearances of Christ in our lives today, and help us to enable others to see these appearances tailored to their own life experience.  Amen.

Easter Thursday, April 13, 2023

Enlightening God, you have let us know that having language allows us to know and name things in our inward and outward lives; help us to name things aright so that justice for each person and each occasion might be pursued with greater clarity each day.  Amen.

Easter Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Christ who is All and in All, forgive us when we limit the ways in which you can become known to those who seek to do good.  Give us joy when others find you in unsuspecting places.  Amen.

Easter Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Gracious God of the future, we doubt because of tentativeness of all things, and because what we do now depends upon an endless future to be fully known; give us hope for future on future today.  Amen.

Easter Monday, April 10, 2023

God of resurrection; death happens in the context of everything else having happened; teach us to not separate death from everything else including us never being ready for the changes of death on personal relationships and community.  Amen.

Easter, April 9, 2023

Gracious God, on this day we celebrate that Jesus knew himself again after he had died and his disciples knew him too; help us to live in the hope of being preserved for having lived because nothing can ever be subtracted from having been.  Amen.

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