Saturday, September 30, 2023

Quiz of the Day, September 2023

Quiz of the Day, September 30, 2023

The archangel Michael is listed in which books of the Bible?

a. Daniel
b. Daniel and Jude
c. Jude and Revelations
d. Daniel, Jude and Revelations

Quiz of the Day, September 29, 2023

"kenosis" refers to

a. omniscience of God
b. Jesus being emptied of divine equality in his earthly life
c. the exaltation of Christ
d. the fullness of time

Quiz of the Day, September 28, 2023

The Greek word from which the word "hypocrite" is derived means

a. fraud
b. phony
c. actor
d. liar

Quiz of the Day, September 27, 2023

What prophet made an axe head float to the surface of the Jordan River?

a. Elisha
b. Elijah
c. Jeremiah
d. Ezekiel

Quiz of the Day, September 26, 2023

Who was the general editor of the Authorized Version of the Bible?

a. King James
b. Lancelot Andrewes
c. John Wycliffe
d. William Tyndale

Quiz of the Day, September 25, 2023

Of the following, who did not experience leprosy?

a. Moses
b. A Pharaoh
c. Gehazi
d. Uzziah
e. Naaman
f.  Job

Quiz of the Day, September 24, 2023

Who in the Bible might have done mouth to mouth resuscitation?

a. Adam
b. Jacob
c. Elisha
d. Paul

Quiz of the Day, September 23, 2023

What was the last request of Elisha for Elijah?

a. for his mantle
b. for a double portion of his spirit
c. to be relieved of his prophetic role
d. to be able to part water

Quiz of the Day, September 22, 2023

Who was the prophet who called down fire from heaven?

a. Nathan
b. Isaiah
c. Jeremiah
d. Elijah

Quiz of the Day, September 21, 2023

What was the evening food of the people of Israel in the wilderness?

a. Manna
b. locusts
c. quail
d. lamb

Quiz of the Day, September 20, 2023

"What is it?" is the name for what biblical food?

a. the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden
b. grapes in the Promised Land
c. Manna in the wilderness
d. Quail in the wilderness

Quiz of the Day, September 19, 2023

What king of Israel pouted when someone refused to sell him their vineyard?

a. Solomon
b. David
c. Ahab
d. Josiah

Quiz of the Day, September 18, 2023

A "Puseyite" might be considered to be

a. Low Church Anglican
b. Evangelical Anglican
c. Latitudinarian
d. High Church Anglican
e. Non-conformist

Quiz of the Day, September 17, 2023

The mantle is not

a. a vestment of succession metaphor
b. what Elijah gave to Elisha before ascending to heaven
c. symbol of the Mosaic office
d. symbol of the prophetic office

Quiz of the Day, September 16, 2023

Who sought to kill Elijah?

a. Ahab
b. Jezebel
c. The king of Judah
d. The king of Syria
e. The prophets of Baal

Quiz of the Day, September 15, 2023

What King of Israel assembled the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel to challenge the prophet Elijah?

a. Ahab
b. Jeroboam
c. Omri
d. Nadab

Quiz of the Day, September 14, 2023

The serpent as a medical symbol derives from

a. Moses and the bronze serpent for healing
b. ancient Greek myth of Asclepius
c. ancient Hittite symbol of healing
d. ancient Summerian  symbol of healing

Quiz of the Day, September 13, 2023

What prophet was fed by birds?

a. Jeremiah
b. Amos
c. Obadiah
d. Elijah
e. Ezekiel
f. Hosea

Quiz of the Day, September 12, 2023

In the Bible, Israel does not mean

a. the name of Jacob
b. the Northern Kingdom of ten tribes
c. a people who escaped from Egypt
d. an appropriated name for the church
e. the place where any Jews resided

Quiz of the Day, September 11, 2023 

Who wrote that "only the weak eat vegetables?"

a. Peter
b. James
c. Paul
d. The Psalmist
e. The writer of the Proverbs

Quiz of the Day, September 10, 2023

What King of Israel made golden calves to worship?

a. Solomon
b. Jeroboam
c. Saul
d. Rehoboam

Quiz of the Day, September 9, 2023

What is the name of the Jewish New Year?

a. Sukkoth
b. Rosh Hashanah
c. Yom Kippur
d. Pesach

Quiz of the Day, September 8, 2023

What King of Israel had to flee to Egypt for protection from King Solomon?

a. Jeroboam
b. Rehoboam
c. Asa
d. Josiah

Quiz of the Day, September 7, 2023

What was blamed for leading the wisest man in the world astray?

a. foreign gods
b. wealth
c. pacts with foreign kings
d. his many foreign wives

Quiz of the Day, September 6, 2023

Of the gifts of the Queen of Sheba given to King Solomon, which gift set a quantity record?

a. quantity of gold
b. quantity of precious stones
c. quantity of spices
d. quantity of frankincense

Quiz of the Day, September 5, 2023

Which of the following biblical book most clearly connects the works of one's life with having faith?

a. Romans
b. Galatians
c. James
d. 1 Corinthians

Quiz of the Day, September 4, 2023

Which is not true about the dedication oration of Solomon for the first Temple?

a. foreigners were not welcome the temple
b. the temple would establish the prayer direction for those not at Temple
c. warriors in battle were to pray toward the Temple
d. people in exile should pray toward the Temple

Quiz of the Day, September 3, 2023

In which Gospel does it identify Peter as the one who used a sword to cut off the ear of the temple police arresting Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Quiz of the Day, September 2, 2023

The City of David might be

a. Zion
b. Jerusalem
c. Bethlehem
d. all of the above

Quiz of the Day, September 1, 2023

What lumber from Lebanon was used to build the first Temple?

a. Cedar and acacia
b. Cypress and acacia
c. Cedar and cypress
d. Cedar and gopher wood

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