Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Quiz of the Day, October 2024

Quiz of Day, October 15, 2024

Of the following saints, who is not a Carmelite?

a. Teresa of Avila
b. John of the Cross
c. Claire of Assisi
d. Thérèse of Lisieux

Quiz of the Day, October 14, 2024

What reason did Paul present to Agrippa for his arrest?

a. his opposition to the high priest
b. his belief in the resurrection
c. his accusation of the Romans for crucifying Jesus
d. his belief in the true meaning of the Torah

Quiz of the Day, October 13, 2024

What prophet juxtaposed the following: do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God?

a. Joel
b. Amos
c. Obadiah
d. Micah

Quiz of the Day, October 12, 2024

Mary Magdalene was not

a. one who had been possessed by demons
b. a harlot
c. a first witness to the resurrection
d. at the crucifixion of Jesus

Quiz of the Day, October 11, 2024

Where is the beat "swords into plowshares" reference found in the Bible?

a. Isaiah
b. Joel
c. Micah
d. all the above

Quiz of the Day, October 10, 2024

According to the Gospels, Jesus was not accused of

a. being a drunk
b. being in league with the devil
c. being mad
d. being a friend of sinners
e. being a tax collector

Quiz of the Day, October 9, 2024

Of the following books, which would not be considered wisdom literature?

a. Proverbs
b. Ecclesiastes
c. Job
d. Song of Solomon
e. Jonah

Quiz of the Day, October 8, 2024

According to the Acts of the Apostles, what family member of St. Paul was present in Jerusalem when he was seized?

a. mother
b. sister
c. brother
d. father

Quiz of the Day, October 7, 2024

The phrase, "I know that my redeemer lives," is found in which book of the Bible?

a. Revelations
b. Isaiah
c. Jeremiah
d. Job

Quiz of the Day, October 6, 2024

Who said, "Curse God and die?"

a. the writer of Ecclesiastes
b. Jezebel
c. the prophets of Baal to Elijah
d. Job's wife

Quiz of the Day, October 5, 2024

What saved Paul from getting a flogging in Jerusalem?

a. he escaped from the city
b. he had a centurion friend
c. he revealed his Roman citizenship
d. he had the privileges of a rabbi

Quiz of the Day, October 4, 2024

What language are the original letters of St. Paul, a Jew, written in?

a. Hebrew
b. Aramaic
c. Latin
d. koine Greek

Quiz of the Day, October 3, 2024

Who is the patron saint of accountants and tax collectors?

a. Zacchaeus
b. Matthew
c. Barnabas
d. Timothy

Quiz of the Day, October 2, 2024

What saint was known as the "Little Flower of Jesus?"

a. Teresa of Avila
b. Clare of Assisi
c. Thérèse of Lisieux
d. Julian of Norwich

Quiz of the Day, October 1, 2024

Who said that Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive?"

a. Matthew's Gospel writer
b. St. Paul in Galatians
c. St. Paul according to writer of the Acts of the Apostle
d John's Gospel writer

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