Saturday, May 31, 2014

Daily Quiz, May 2014

Daily Quiz, May 31, 2014

The Visitation of the Virgin Mary is a Feast of the church which commemorates the visit to Mary by whom?

a. The Archangel Gabriel
b.  Her pregnant cousin Elizabeth
c.  Her husband Joseph
d.  Simeon
e.  Anna

Daily Quiz, May 30, 2014

Which is not true of Joan of Arc?

a. She is one of nine patron saints of France
b. She is known as The Maid of Orleans
c.  She had visions of the Archangel Michael
d.  She died because she compromised with English factions in France
e.  In a posthumous inquisition she was declared to be a martyr

Daily Quiz, May 29, 2014

In Judaeo-Christian sacred story and tradition which of the following did not have an Assumption into the heavenly realm?

a. Jesus
b.  The Virgin Mary
c.  Moses
d.  Enoch
e.  Elijah

Daily Quiz, May 28, 2014

The Protestant Reformer and theologian John Calvin is often associated with which of the following theological positions:

a. Ontological argument for the existence of God
b. Predestination
c. Postlapsarianism
d. Free Will

Daily Quiz, May 27, 2014

What Saxon King of Kent in Southeastern England was converted to Christianity after Augustine came to England?

a. Eadbald
b. Eormenric
c. Ethelbert
d. Hengist

Daily Quiz, May 26, 2014

Which Pope sent Augustine to the British Isles to bring the faith there only to find that there was a vibrant Celtic church already there?

a. Gregory the Great
b. Leo the Great
c. Pelagius II
d. Nicholas I

Daily Quiz, May 25, 2014

What was the celebration of every 50th year called in the book of Leviticus?

a. Anniversary
b. Jubilee
c. Liberty
d. A Sabbath of Years 

Daily Quiz, May 24, 2014

Who was the first missionary bishop of the Episcopal Church who founded many parishes in the Midwest?

a. James Lloyd Breck
b. Samuel Seabury
c. Jackson Kemper 
d. James DeKoven

Daily Quiz, May 23, 2014

What astronomers with controversial views in their own time eventually made it to the calendar of saints in the Episcopal Church?

a. Johannes Kepler
b. Gregor Mendel
c. Nicolaus Copernicus 
d. Nicholas of Cusa
e. all of the above 
f.  a and c
g. b and d

Daily Quiz, May 22, 2014

Body art?  What does the book of Leviticus say about tattoos?

a. Forbidden
b. Forbidden except on toes
c. Permitted to mark slaves 
d. Not forbidden

 Daily Quiz, May 21, 2014

Who translated the Bible into the Algonquin language?

a. John Eliot
b. One of the editors of the Bay Psalm Book
c. One of the editors of the first book printed in British America
d. All of the above

Daily Quiz, May 20, 014

St. Alcuin is associated with what historic school?

a. Oxford
b. Cambridge
c. University of Paris
d. York School

Daily Quiz, May 19, 2014

An offering for Azazel is the origin of what common colloquialism?

a. don't count your chickens before they hatch
b. a stitch in time saves nine
c. scapegoat
d. the horns of a dilemma

Daily Quiz, May 18, 2014 

"In my Father's house there are many dwelling places/mansions....."  This Gospel portion is often used for what liturgy?

a. Requiem
b. House blessing
c.  Blessing of a new church building
d.  Rogation Day

Daily Quiz, May 17, 2014 

The familiar expression for "lex talionis" is stated:

a. possession is nine parts of the law
b. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
c. take the fifth
d. law of God
e. law that has not been written

Daily Quiz, May 16, 2014

For what country has the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church called for special prayers on Sunday, May 18th?

a. Syria
b. Ukraine
c.  South Sudan
d.  Nigeria

Daily Quiz, May 15, 2014 

What were the signs of divine presence when the people of Israel were traveling through the wilderness to the Promised Land?

a. a cloud
b. a pillar of fire
c. glowing face of Moses
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, May 14, 2014

The Sermon on the Mount or Sermon on the Plain?  Jesus said, "Bless are the poor in spirit." And, "Blessed are the poor."  In which Gospel is is quoted as saying the latter?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John

Daily Quiz, May 13, 2014

Which of the following is not true about Frances Perkins?

a. Episcopal laywoman, first woman cabinet member
b. Secretary of Labor under FDR
c. Architect of Social Security, Child Labor Laws and Work Safety Laws
d. A saint on our calendar of saints for May 13th
e. Her family owned a Pancake Restaurant

Daily Quiz, May 12, 2014

Why did there need to be two copies of the tablets on which the Laws were written for Moses to receive on Mount Sinai?

a. One for the ark of the covenant; one for the outer court of the tabernacle
b.  Moses in anger over the golden calf, broke the first copy
c.  One in the Hebrew language and one in the Ugaritic language 
d.  For the two shrines, one at Bethel and another at Shiloh

Daily Quiz, May 11, 2014

Which symbol was not found on the priestly vestments of Aaron?

a. Lamb
b. Golden Bells
c. Urim
d. Thummim
e. Pomegranates 
f.  Rosette 

Daily Quiz, May 10, 2014

The Ark of the Covenant was located where?

a. Holiest of Holy in the tabernacle
b. Holiest of Holy in Solomon's Temple
c. In Shiloh
d. Carried in various military conflicts of Israel
e. all of the above

Daily Quiz, May 9, 2014

What was the most notable experience of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu?

a. they saw the God of Israel
b. they opposed Moses' leadership
c. they were all of the Levi priestly caste
d. they made it to the Promised Land

Daily Quiz, May 8, 2014

How many versions of the "10 Commandments" can be found in the Bible?

a. There's only one
b.  2
c.  3
d.  4

Daily Quiz, May 7, 2014

On what Mountain did Moses receive the Law?

a. Mount Tabor 
b. Mount Herman
c. Mount Sinai
d. Nebo 

Daily Quiz, May 6, 2014

In which of the following Psalms is the Lord referred to as a shepherd?

a. 23rd
b. 95th
c. 1st
d. all of the above
e. a and b

Daily Quiz, May 5, 2014

According the portion of Mark's Gospel which are at the end and were added at a later time by scribes, what will the followers of Jesus be able to do?

a.Cast out demons
b.Speak in new tongues
c. Handle poisonous snakes without harm
d. Drink poison without harm
e. Heal the sick
f.  all of the above

Daily Quiz, May 4, 2014

What were the  names of the sons of Moses?

a. Zipporah
b. Gershom
c. Jethro
d. Eliezer
e. a and b
f.  a and c
f.  b and c 
g. b and d

Daily Quiz, May 3, 2014

When the Israelites were without water in the wilderness how were they eventually provided with water?

a. God brought rain
b. Moses led them to an oasis which had a spring
c. Moses struck a rock with his staff and water poured out
d. The eventually found a stream of water 

Daily Quiz, May 2, 2014

Which famous saint and bishop and champion of the views which won the day at the Nicaea Council ordered monks to burn writings which he deemed heretical?

a. Arius
b. Eusebius of Caesarea
c. Athanasius
d. Alexander 

Daily Quiz, May 1, 2014

When this man heard about Jesus, he said "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" 

a. James
b. Philip
c. Nathaniel
d. Nicodemus

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