Thursday, September 13, 2012

Noah's Ark Puppet Show on Patience

Chapel Time Puppet Show
A lesson in Patience and Noah’s ark

Characters:  Fr. Phil in front of theatre, Noah and Roary the Lion in the ark

Father Phil:  Boys and girls today we are going to learn about patience and we’re going watch a puppet show to help us learn.  I want to introduce to you a very famous man who built a very big boat.  This man name is Noah.  Noah, welcome.  Take a bow.

Noah:  Hello boys and girls, my name is Noah.  And I am in my big boat.  Do you know what we call my big boat?  We call it Noah’s ark.

Father Phil:  Noah, why did you build a big boat?

Noah:  Well, God told me it was going to rain.  God told me there was going to be a big flood.  God told me to build a big boat so I could save my family from the flood.

Father Phil:  Did you save anyone else from the flood?

Noah:  Yes I did. I built the boat big enough bring lots of animals with me.  I brought mommy and daddy animals on the ark so they could be safe during the flood.  And after the flood is over they can have baby animals.

Father Phil:  Noah that is very kind, but isn’t it difficult traveling on a boat with all of those animals?  Doesn’t it smell?

Noah:  Yes, it does smell so I just open the window.  And the hippopotamus snores real loud at night.  And he has really bad breath.   Yuk..yuk..yuk.  But I love my animals.

Father Phil: Do you have any problem with the animals?

Noah:  Yes, I have a problem with Roary the Lion.

Roary the Lion (appears):  Heh.  I heard that Mr. Noah.  Did you call me a problem?  I’m not a problem.  I’m Roary the Lion.  Roar!   Can I go out and play now?  Can I go out and play now?

Noah:  Roary, you’re not a problem but you have a problem with patience.  I have told you that we had rain for 40 days and 40 nights and we cannot go outside and play.  We’re stuck on a boat.  Can you swim if there is no place to go?

Roary:  No, I live in a jungle.  I don’t live in the water.  I am not a swimming animal.  But I want to go outside and play.  It’s no fun staying inside the boat with all of the stinky animals.

Noah:  Roary, you need to learn patience.  Did you know that you need patience to save your life?

Roary:  What do you mean?

Noah:  If I let you go out of the boat, you would be lost in the flood.  If you are not patient you might jump out of the boat into the water and we would lose you.  We don’t want to lose you in the very deep water.

Roary:  But I am a lion and I need to be out doors in the jungle.  I don’t like to be trapped on this boat.

Noah:  I know Roary.  Being patient is difficult but it will save your life.  Just wait for more time and it will stop raining.

(Roary goes off scene and then jumps up)
Roary:  Can I go outside now?

Noah:  Not yet.  It stopped raining but the water is still too deep.  Be patient.

(Roary goes off scene and then jumps up)
Roary:  Roary, be patient.

Noah:  Boys and girls can you help me remind Roary?  Can you say, “Roary be patient!”

Boys and girls: Roary be patient! 

Roary: Okay.
(Roary goes off scene)

The water recedes.

Noah:  Roary, come here.  Now you can go outside.  The water has gone down and now you can go back to your jungle.

Roary:  Roar!  I am very happy now.  And I am happy that I learned a lesson.  Be patient and soon we can do what we want to do.

Noah:  Children can you learn patience today?

Children:  Yes, we can.

Noah:  Yes you can!  Thank you.

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