Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome to Sunday School Puppet Show

Gospel Puppet Show
September 9, 2012

Michelle, the emcee, Susie, (Pam) the young girl,  Marilyn (Kathryn) the young girl, and Jesus (Eric)

Michelle: Welcome boys and girls to Rally Sunday.  Do you know what Rally Sunday is?   It is a celebration for the start of Sunday School.  Today is the day we begin our Sunday School Program.  We had a summer vacation and now we start Sunday School.

Susie:  Miss Michelle, I have a question.  Why do we have to go to school on Sunday?  We go to school during the week.  Why don’t we take a break from school on Sunday?

Michelle:  That is a very good question Susie.  We come to Sunday School to remember that we are in the most important school in our lives.

Marilyn:  What School is more important than Charter School?  Or Nordstrom?  Or P.A. Walsh?  Or Jackson Oaks?  Or Oakwood?  Or Paradise Valley?   Those are some of our schools.  Why is Sunday School more important than our schools?

Michelle:  Does anyone know what the followers of Jesus were called?  You remember people like Peter, James, John, Philip and Bartholomew?

Susie:  I think they were called disciples.

Michelle:  That is right Susie, good answer!  But do you know another word for disciple?

Marilyn:  Does it mean pastor or priest? Like Father Phil.

Michelle:  Well, a pastor or priest is a disciple of Jesus but disciple means something just a little different than pastor or priest.  A disciple is a student or a pupil.  So a disciple of Jesus is a student of Jesus.

Susie:  I get it!  So we come to church on Sunday because all of us are students of Jesus.

Marilyn:  So that means that we are always in two schools; we are in our elementary schools and we are in Sunday School.

Michelle:  Jesus was a great teacher and his students learned many things from him.

Susie:  What did they learn?  Did they learn arithmetic?  Did they learn how to read and write?

Michelle:  No, they learn some very important rules about how to live good lives.

Marilyn:  What rules did they learn.

Susie:  They learn the 10 commandments.

Michelle:  That is correct Susie and they learned about loving God with all of their hearts and they learned about loving their neighbors.  And there was something wonderful about how Jesus taught his students.

Marilyn:  How did Jesus teach his students?

Michelle:  How many of you like to hear stories and riddles?  Well, Jesus taught his students using wonderful stories.

Susie:  Are we going to hear stories at Sunday School? 

Michelle:  Yes, each week we read stories in the Bible; we read stories about Jesus.  And we look at the stories to see what lessons we can learn about how we can live better lives.

Marilyn:  Do we have to memorize things?  Do we have to take tests?

Michelle:  When you say memorize, it sound like hard work, but when you say “remember” it seems easier.  When I tell Alex to put on his bike helmet, I don’t ask him to memorize it, I ask him to “remember” to put on helmet.  Why?  Because I want him to be safe.

Susie:  So we learn in Sunday School some important things to remember so that we can live successful lives?

Michelle:  That’s right.  And you know what?  We need get out of Sunday School because we never stop being students of Jesus Christ.  Your parents and grandparents are also still students of Christ.

Marilyn:  What would Jesus do if he were here today?

Susie:  I bet that Jesus would welcome us and he would enroll us in his school as his students.

Jesus appears:

Jesus:  Susie, you are right. I am glad that all of you have come to Sunday School.  I am glad that all of you are students in my school.  And now I want to enroll you in Sunday School for this fall.  Can everyone stand?  Now put your right hand on your heart and repeat after me.

Jesus:  I am a student of Jesus Christ.

All:  I am a student of Jesus Christ.

Jesus:  I promise to follow him as my Lord and Savior.

All:  I promise to follow him as my Lord and Savior.

Jesus:  I promise to learn new things about God each week.

All:  I promise to learn new things about God each week.

Jesus:  I promise to be a Sunday School Student at St. John’s.
All:  I promise to be a Sunday School Student at St. John’s.

Jesus:  With God’s help I will be a good student of Jesus Christ.
All:  With God’s help I will be a good student of Jesus Christ.

Jesus:  May God bless you as a student in Sunday School Amen.

Michelle:  Thank you coming and welcome to St. John’s Sunday School.  We’re going to have a great year.  

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