Thursday, October 29, 2015

EEK! Essential Episcopal Knowledge, 201-300

EEK!   Essential Episcopal Knowledge 201-300

201-Who are archangels listed in the Bible?

A:Gabriel, Michael, Raphael

202-Which Archangel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would be having a son?

A: Gabriel

203-What is the name of the angel who fell from heaven because of his pride?

A: Lucifer

204-Who is the Archangel who helps to defeat the devil?


205- Who is believed to be the writer of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles?

A: Luke the Physician

206-What is the name of the Garden where Jesus prayed before he was taken into custody?

A: Gethsemane

207-Who was the husband of the Virgin Mary?


208-Who was the cousin of the Virgin Mary who had a child when she was very old?

A: Elizabeth

209-Who was Elizabeth married to?

A:  Zechariah, a retired priest.

210-What was the name of the child of Zechariah and Elizabeth?

A: John the Baptist

211-What was the food of John the Baptist?

A: honey and locusts

212-What did John the Baptist require for baptism?

A: Repentance

213-How did John the Baptist die?

A: He was beheaded by King Herod

214-Why was John the Baptist beheaded?

A: King Herod did it at the request of his step-daughter Salome when she performed a pleasing dance.

215-Who was the Roman Prefect who questioned Jesus before his death?

A: Pontius Pilate

216-Who carried the cross for Jesus on the way to his crucifixion?

A: Simon of Cyrene

217-Fill in the blank: The wages of sin is                                           .

A: death

218-Where did St. Paul have his life changing conversion experience?

A: On the road to Damascus

219-What are the days in Holy Week?

A: Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday.

220-What does the word Maundy mean in Maundy Thursday?

A: It comes from the Latin, “Mandatum” or the New Commandment

221-Pentecost is 50 days after what Feast?

A: Easter

222-What is a movable feast?

A: A feast determined by the lunar calendar and not on the same calendar day each year.

223-What is the First Day of the Christian Year?

A: The First Sunday of Advent

224-What is the last day of the Christian Year?

A: The eve of the First Sunday of Advent

225-Who was the first Christian martyr?

A: Stephen

226-What does martyr mean?

A: It means one who loses their life because of their faith.

227-How did Stephen die?

A: He was stoned to death and Saul was present at the stoning

228-What did Jesus say to the religious leaders who wanted to stone a woman for adultery?

A:  Let the one without sin cast the first stone.

229-What is the event called when Jesus went into heaven after his resurrection?

A: The Ascension

230-What is the person called who carries the cross in the procession for the liturgy?

A: The Crucifer

230-Who is the ancient priest to whom Abraham gave an offering?

A: Melchizedek.

231-In what New Testament book is Melchizedek referred to?

A: The letter to the Hebrews

232-What chapter in the New Testament might be called the “faith” chapter?

A: Hebrews Chapter 11

233-How is faith defined in Hebrews chapter 11?

A: Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.

234-Who is the head of the Episcopal Church?

A: The Presiding Bishop

235-Does the Episcopal Church have archbishops?

A: No, it has a Presiding bishop

236-Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani, are the words of Jesus from the Cross.  What language is this?

A: Aramaic

237-What are two Hebrew names for God?

A: Yahweh and Elohim

238-Who is the prophet known for his vision of “dry bones?”

A:  Ezekiel

239-Which prophet wrote his book comparing the people of Israel with his unfaithful wife?

A: Hosea

240-What do you call the piece of church furniture from where the preacher preaches?

A: Pulpit

241-What do you call the baptismal piece of church furniture?

A: Font

242-What did Noah see in the sky after he got out of his ark?

A: A rainbow

243-What did the rainbow in the sky mean for Noah?

A: It was God’s promise never to destroy the world.

244-What shocking thing did God tell Abraham to do with his son Isaac?

A: He told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac.

245-Why didn’t Abraham sacrifice his son Isaac?

A: An angel of God intervened and a ram was provided for the sacrifice in place of Isaac.

246-What was Jacob’s twin brother’s name?

A: Esau

247-Why did Jacob anger his brother Esau?

A: He tricked his blind father Isaac into giving him the best family blessing.

248-Who was the mother of Samuel?

A: Hannah

249-What did Hannah want from God?

A: She wanted to have a child.

250-What are the two sections of the Holy Eucharist?

A: The Word of God and The Holy Communion

251-What are the elements of the Word of God Section of the Holy Eucharist?

A: Hymns, Salutation, Collect for the Day, Readings from the Bible, Sermon, the Prayers of the People, Confession, Absolution and the Peace.

252-What portions of the Bible are read during the Holy Eucharist?

A: Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament, The Psalms, Apocrypha, Epistles or Acts of the Apostles, and the Gospels

253-What does confession mean?

A: It is when we admit specific or general sins to God either in private or in the public prayers.

254-What does Absolution mean?

A: Absolution is when a bishop, priest, deacon or lay person declares God’s forgiveness of our sins.

255-What is the lectionary?

A: The lectionary is the assigned Bible readings for Morning and Evening Prayer and for the Eucharist on Sundays.

256-What does Salvation mean?

A: Salvation is the gift of God to save our lives from the results of sin and to preserve our life after we die.

257-What does grace mean?

A: Grace means God’s undeserved favor and gift.

258-Why is the Bible called the Word of God?

A: Because we believe God inspired the people who wrote them.

259-What bird is the symbol of the Holy Spirit?

A: The Dove

260-What are some other names for the Holy Spirit?

A: The Holy Ghost, The Comforter, The Paraclete

261-What is the church?

A: The church is what we call the people who follow Christ and gather to worship Him.  Church has also become the name for buildings where Christians gather for worship.

262-What are the main architectural parts of a church building?

A:  Narthex, Nave, Transcept, Chancel/Choir, Sanctuary

263-In addition to Roman Catholics and Protestants what is the other major Christian group in the world?

A: The Orthodox Churches or The Eastern Orthodox Churches

264-When and why did the Eastern Orthodox Churches become divided from the Western Catholic Church?

A: In 1054.  Disagreement about the Holy Spirit and about the role of the Pope; also the Crusading armies attacked Constantinople.

265-What are some of the major Eastern Orthodox Churches?

A: The Greek Orthodox Church, The Russian Orthodox Church, The Antiochean Orthodox Church

266-What are icons in the Eastern Orthodox Churches?

A: Icons are special religious paintings often done with gold leaf.  They are holy objects and they are used for people to worship God through the contemplation of these images.

267-What are the leaders of the Orthodox Churches called?

A: Patriarchs

 268-Who was the Pope who sent Augustine as a missionary to England?

A: Pope Gregory the Great

269-What are the four baptismal occasions in the church year?

A:Easter, Pentecost, All Saints' Sunday and the First Sunday after the Epiphany

270-What does the word Advent mean for the season of Advent?

A: It means “coming” referring to the second coming of Christ

271- What is a bishop’s pointed hat called?

A: A miter

272-What is Chrism?

A:Chrism is the holy oil used at baptism, confirmation and ordination.

273-Why do we make the sign of the Cross?

A: At baptism the cross is marked upon the forehead as a way of showing that each baptized person belongs to Christ.  When we make the sign of the cross it is a way of remembering that we and our lives belong to Christ.

274-What is a genuflection?

A: Genuflection is bowing on the right knee and it is done when entering a church pew or sanctuary area where the reserved sacrament is kept.

275-What is a procession?

A:  Procession is when the serving party in the liturgy travel from one place to another, for example, coming into the church and going to the altar or when the Gospel is taken to the center of the church to be read.

276-In England there are churches which are called Abbeys, like Westminster Abbey; what is an abbey?

A: It is a church building or chapel which was or is associated with a monastery or a convent, a worship place for monks and nuns.

277-If someone is called a dean, what does this mean?

A: It means that a person is chief priest of a Cathedral or the head of a seminary or the head of a geographical area of a diocese called a deanery.

278-What is a rector?

A: In the United States, a rector is the title of the head priest of a parish.

279-What is a parish?

A: A parish is a geographical area within a diocesan which is served by a church with a priest.

280-Why is it said that authority in Anglicanism is like a three-legged stool?

A: Because we find authority to believe and act by appealing to Scripture, Tradition and Reason.

281-How do we use Scripture to find guidelines for our life?

A: We look at the principles of God's love and justice which are written in the Bible and we try to practice these principles of love and justice in our lives.

282-How do we use Church Tradition to guide our lives?

A: In 2000 years the excellent standards of Christians in the past have been a model for our lives today.  We copy the excellent examples of the saints.

283-How do we use reason in finding authority in our lives?

A: In collaboration we have to apply reason to make the love and justice of God current in our lives today.  For example, we have used reason to come to believe that slavery is wrong and that the unequal treatment of women is wrong.

284-What is person called who reads the Bible in the liturgy?

A: A lector

285-What are vestments?

A:  Vestments are the special “uniforms” or clothes that the various ministers wear in the liturgy.

286-What vestments do a priest wear for celebrating the Holy Eucharist?

A:  A white or linen robe called an alb, a belt called a cincture, a stole, a pancho-like vestment called a chasuble and sometimes an outer cape called a cope

287-What vestments do acolytes wear?

A: They wear a white or linen alb or they wear a colored cassock with a white over garment called a surplice or a short surplice called a cotta.

288-What is the large candle called which is lit at the Easter Vigil?

A: The Paschal Candle

289-What is the liturgical color for Advent

A: Purple

290-What is the liturgical color for Christmas and Easter and their seasons?

A: White or Gold

291-What is the liturgical color on the Feast of Pentecost?

A: Red

292-What is the liturgical color to commemorate the life of a martyred saint?

A: Red

293-What is the liturgical color for the season of Pentecost?

A: Green

294-What is the liturgical color for the season of Epiphany?

A: Green

295-What is the Transfiguration?

A: It is when Jesus traveled to a mountain top and his face shone.

296-Which disciples went up the Mount of the Transfiguration with Jesus?

A: Peter, James and John

297-What two people from the history of Israel appeared and talked with Jesus on the Mount of the Transfiguration?

A: Moses and Elijah

298-What did Peter want to do on the Mount of the Transfiguration?

A: He wanted to build special booths, one for Moses, one for Elijah and one for Jesus

299-What did the voice of God proclaim about Jesus on the Mount of the Transfiguration?

A: This is my Son, the Beloved.  Listen to him.

300-“This is my beloved Son.”  When did the voice of God say this about Jesus?

A: On the Mount of the Transfiguration and at the baptism of Jesus.

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