Saturday, October 31, 2015

Daily Quiz, October 2015

Daily Quiz, October 31, 2015

Why is Halloween celebrated as Reformation Day in some Protestant churches?

a. to replace the pagan customs of dressing up like ghosts
b. to encourage church attendance on Halloween
c. October 31, 1517, Eve of All Saints, Martin Luther post his 95 Theses
d. Members of the Reformed traditions do not believe in saints

Daily Quiz, October 30, 2015

Which of the following is not true about John Wyclif(fe)?Daily Quiz, October 29, 2015

a. he was a professor at Cambridge University
b. he translated the Vulgate Bible into English
c. he was opposed to the doctrine of transubstantiation
d. his followers were called Lollards who were precursor of the Protestants
e. he was declared a heretic, his writings banned and his corpse exhumed and burned and his ashes re-buried on unconsecrated ground

What was Nehemiah's "daytime" job when he received his divine communications?

a. scribe
b. surveyor
c. cupbearer for the king
d. eunuch for the harem

 Daily Quiz, October 28, 2015

Why is St. Jude, the saint of lost causes?

a. His name was too much like Judas Iscariot so people avoided praying to him
b. The Church encouraged praying to this "forgotten" saint composed prayers to him for "hopeless" situations
c. It started with the St. Jude's Children's Hospital
d. all of the above
e. a and b

Daily Quiz, October 27, 2015 

Who is the only English monarch who is also called "the Great?"

a. Elizabeth I
b. Edmund the Confessor
c. Alfred
d. Richard I

Daily Quiz, October 26, 2015

To what person who was "in the Spirit" was given this command:“Write in a book what you see and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamum, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.”

a. John the Divine
b. Jude
c. Paul the Apostle
d. Peter

 Daily Quiz, October 25, 2015

Which of the following is not true about Zerubbael?

a. he was a grandson of a King of Judah
b. he is Nehemiah using his Babylonian name
c. he led the first group back to Jerusalem from the Babylonian captivity
d. he laid the foundation for the second Temple

Daily Quiz, October 24, 2015

Of all of Paul's letter which is the most intimate person-to-person letter?

a. 1 Corinthian
b. 1 Timothy
c. Titus
d. Philemon

Daily Quiz, October 23, 2015

Which of the following does not apply regarding St. James of Jerusalem?

a. James the Just
b. James, brother of our Lord
c. James, son of Zebedee
d. James the Less
e. James the son of Alphaeus

Daily Quiz, October 22, 2015

King Cyrus the Great of Persia was called God's anointed or Messiah because he felt commissioned to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.  How did he replace the vessels of the temple?

a. he had the Jews in exile who were craftsmen make them
b. he retrieved the original vessel taken by the Babylonians
c. he had Persian craftsmen make the replacements
d. he sent Jews back to Jerusalem to make them on site

 Daily Quiz, October 21, 2015

What is an iconostasis?

a. an internet icon developer
b. an architectural screen with icons dividing altar area from the nave
c. an architectural screen in Orthodox churches
d. a historical movement which established the validity of the veneration of icons in the Orthodox church
e. three of the above
f. b and c only

Daily Quiz, October 20, 2015

"If there is any sorrow like my sorrow, which was brought upon me...."  Where is this found?

a. Psalms
b. Jeremiah
c. Lamentations
d. Job

Daily Quiz, October 19, 2015

Which of the following prophet had a vision about a flowing river from the temple which has the power to change stagnant water to fresh water and on the banks of the river there is an ecological paradise of lovely trees?

a. Jeremiah
b. Habakkuk
c. Ezekiel
d. Isaiah

Daily Quiz, October 18, 2015

When Jeremiah wrote a letter from Jerusalem to the Israelites taken in exile to Babylon, which of the following did he not recommend?

a. marry and have children
b. pray for the welfare of the city where you live
c. try to escape and come back to Jerusalem
d. build houses and plant gardens

Daily Quiz, October 17, 2015

In the development of the monarchical bishop (single bishop oversight) as a way to promote unity in the midst diverse Christian views, which early bishop said, "“Where the bishop is present, there let the congregation gather, just as where Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church?"

a. Cyprian
b. Ignatius of Antioch
c. Clement of Rome
d. Titus

Daily Quiz, October 16, 2015

How does St. Paul regard the appearance of Christ to him in his conversion experience on the road to Damascus quite some time after the Easter event?

a. it was equal to the appearance of Christ to Simon Peter
b. it was equal to the appearance of Christ to the 12 disciples
c. it was equal to the appearance of Christ to 500 people
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, October 15, 2015

How is it that Teresa of Avila has two dates of death in 1582, October 4 or October 15?

a. her death was officially recorded on the latter date
b. her order wanted her death to be on the same date as that of a patron saint
c. because in this year there was a transition form the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar
d. she had died alone and so the exact time of death was unknown

Daily Quiz, October 14, 2015

Which of the following would not be within the borders of modern Iraq?

a. Chaldea
b. Mesopotamia
c. Babylonia
d. Elam
e. Sumer

Daily Quiz, October 13, 2015

Who of the following was not executed during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots?

a. Thomas More 
b.  Hugh Latimer
c.  Nicolas Ridley
d.  Thomas Cranmer

October 12, 2015

Who was the secretary who took dictation for the words of the Prophet Jeremiah?

a. Nathan
b. Asaph
c. Baruch
d. Ezra

Daily Quiz, October 11, 2015

What did the people of Lystra call St. Paul after he healed a man?

a. one who subverted their religion
b. the god Hermes
c. the god Zeus
d. a Christian

Daily Quiz, October 10, 2015

Which of the following did St. Paul say was the best ministry of all?

a. apostles, 
b. prophets
c. teachers
d. deeds of power
e. healing,
f.  administration
g. leadership ability
h. speaking in tongues
i.  love

Daily Quiz, October 9, 2015

In the Second Books of Kings we are told that King Nebuchadnezzar carried off to Babylon from Judah all but which of the following groups?

a. artisans
b. warriors
c. poor people
d. smiths

Daily Quiz, October 8, 2015

What were the reforms of King Josiah of Judah?

a. renovation of the temple
b. cleansing of the temple of altars and idols to foreign gods
c. encouraged the exclusive worship of Yahweh
d. executed the priests serving other gods
e. all of the above

Daily Quiz, October 7, 2015

What book in the New Testament includes the earliest reference to the words and practice of Holy Eucharist?

a. Matthew
b. Mark
c. Luke
d. John
e. 1 Corinthians

Daily Quiz, October 6, 2015

Whose translation for the Psalms was used in the first Book of Common Prayer?

a. William Tyndale
b. Miles Coverdale
c. John Wycliffe
d. Lancelot Andrewes

Daily Quiz, October 5, 2015

What did King Manasseh, son of King Hezekiah do with the temple in Jerusalem?

a. he followed his father and cleansed it of foreign gods
b. he constructed altars in the temple for foreign gods
c. he rebuilt parts of the outer wall
d. he removed the gold vessel from the temple

Daily Quiz, October 4, 2015

What homeopathic treatment did the prophet Isaiah use to treat King Hezekiah's boil?

a. a garlic poultice
b  a lump of figs on the boil
c. mud packs from the Jordan River
d. honey applied to the boil

Daily Quiz, October 3, 2015

“Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only speak the word, and my servant will be healed." (Matt.8.8)  This Gospel saying of the Centurion who was seeking the healing of his servant has become a part of what liturgy?

a. the prayer for healing in the Book of Common Prayer
b. the Roman Catholic Mass before receiving communion
c. The Eucharistic Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer
d. all of the above

Daily Quiz, October 2, 2015

Which king of Judah did the Assyrian king Sennacherib come against to defeat?

a. Jotham
b. Ahaz
c. Hezekiah
d. Josiah

Daily Quiz, October 1, 2015

St. Remigius is a patron saint of which country?

a. Luxembourg
b. Holland
c. Belgium
d. France

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