Sunday, October 18, 2015

EEK! Essential Episcopal Knowledge 601-700

EEK! Essential Episcopal Knowledge  601-700

601-Who is Habakkuk?
A: he is a prophet with a book in the Bible of the same name.  In his writing he warns about the invasion of Israel by the Chaldeans.

602-What is a Habit?
A: Habit is the name for the Religious dress or uniform of those in religious orders.  Monks and nuns wear "Habits"

603-Who was Haggai?
A: He was a prophet with a book in the Bible of the same name.  He wrote during the reign of the Persian King Darius and he wrote to governors in Judah who were supposed to rebuild the Temple.

604-What is the writing called Hagiography?
A:  It is writings about the lives of the famous saints.

605-What is a Hair-Shirt?
A: It is a shirt woven from animal hair and was worn as a humble garment of discipline by penitents and members of religious orders

606-What is a Halo?
A: It is a circle, disc or aura of light around the head of person signifying their holiness or importance.  It was used in Christian art and perhaps was adopted from the Hellenistic period to represent Greek gods and goddesses and other semi-divine figures.

607-What was the Hampton Court Conference?
A: A meeting in 1604 between King James I and the Puritans who wanted reforms in the Church of England.  Results: Slight changes in the Book of Common Prayer and the agreement to issue a new English translation of the Bible, the one issued in 1611 called the King James Version.

608-Why is George Frederick Handel important?
A: He was a composer from Saxony who settled in England and wrote some of the most popular religious music composition, including the oratorio, "The Messiah" in 1741, performed for King George.

609-What is the significance of the Imposition of Hands?
A: It is the liturgical gesture of the laying on of hands and it occurs in the prayer for the sick and in the ordination of priests and bishops.  It also used in Confirmation and Reconciliation of a Penitent as well as the Blessing of a Marriage.

610-What is the Harrowing of Hell?
A: it is the old name of the descent of Christ to hell when he died on Cross where he defeated the power of evil

611-What is the meaning of the heart?
A: Heart in  biblical psychology is the center of the human person and is responsible for motives.  It is the spiritual center of a person which becomes the dwelling place of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

612-What is the meaning of heaven?
A: In the Bible the word heaven can mean both the physical and visible sky as well as the mysterious place where God lives.  It is the place where Christ ascended to.  It becomes more conceivable as "inner space" after the geocentric version of the world was disproved.

613-Why is the Hebrew language important in biblical studies?
A: The Old Testament is the Hebrew Scriptures which were written in the Semitic language, Hebrew.  Hebrew is both a sacred language and a liturgical language for the Jews. 

614-Who are the Hebrew people?
A: Hebrew people refers to the ancestors of the sons of Jacob, the Israelites.  It refers to ancestors of the Jews during the time of the Patriarch Abraham.  Sometimes Hebrew and Jewish are used to mean the same.

615-What is the Epistle to the Hebrews?
A: It is a letter in the New Testament which has been included among St. Paul's letter, but was not written by him.  The writer takes themes from the Hebrew Scriptures and reinterprets them using Christ as the initiator of a new covenant with God's people

616-What is the importance of Hebron?
A: It is the burial place of Abraham.

617-Who was St. Helena?
A: She was the mother of the Emperor Constantine.  She was responsible for the building of churches on holy sites in Jerusalem and is associated with the finding of piece of the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

618-Who was George Herbert?
A- he was a poet and priest who died in the 17th century and is known for his presentation of the life and piety of a parish priest.  He wrote, "The Country Parson."

619-What is the meaning of heresy?
A: It is the open denial and doubt of any defined doctrine of the Catholic faith.  It has been applied by church leaders to describe people who have adopted theological errors.  One who embraces heresy was called a "heretic" and heretics were often punished or killed.

620-What does hermeneutics mean?
A:  It is the science of the interpretation of the Bible

621-What is a hermit?
A: Hermit comes from the Greek word for desert.  A hermit is monk or nun who goes somewhere to live alone to pray.  A hermitage is a place where a hermit lives.

622-Who was King Herod the Great?
A:  he was appointed King of the Jews by the Romans in the year 40 BCE.   He ruled at the time of the birth of Christ and his kingdom became divided between his sons, Philip, Archelaus and Antipas, who beheaded John the Baptist.

623-What does hierarchy mean?
A: It refers to the ordained ministers of the Church.  The ordained ministry includes the hierarchy of Bishops, Priests and Deacons.

624-What is a High Altar?
A: It is the main altar of a church since churches came to have many side altars or altars in adjacent chapels.

625-What does "High Church" means?
A: In the Anglican and Episcopal Church, it means that one adopts rituals, disciplines and theology that are more often associated with the Roman Catholic Church.  "High" refers to a "high" conception of church authority more like is found in the papal model.

626-What is a "High Mass?"
A: It is a very festal celebration of Holy Eucharist and is appropriate to the Major Feasts of our Lord.  It is also called a Solemn High Mass, and is more common term used for Christians who embrace "High Church" practices.

627-What is a High Priest?
A: In the Bible Aaron was the first High Priest.  It later became an lifetime position and hereditary.  In the Gospels, Annas and Caiphas are listed as those who presided during the time of the trials of Jesus.

628-Why is Hilda the Abbess important in English Church history?
A: In 664 she hosted the Synod of Whitby at her convent.  At this Synod the Celtic Church gave up their customs to comply with the customs of the Roman Catholic Church.

629-Who was Hillel?
A: He was an influential rabbi during the time of Jesus who founded a school of rabbinical thought.  Sometimes Jewish student centers on University campuses are called Hillel Houses.

630-What is the Code of Holiness?
A: They are a collection Mosaic laws found in the book of Leviticus.

631-Who in the church is addressed as "His Holiness?"
A: This has become since the 14th century an exclusive title for the Pope.

632-What city is called "The Holy City?"
A: Jerusalem

633-Who are the members of the Holy Family?
A: The Infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph

634-When people refer to the "Holy Father," who are they referring to?
A: The Pope

635-Who is the Holy Ghost?
A: The Holy Spirit using an older English word for Spirit

636-What does the Holy Innocents refer to?
A:  It refers to the children who were ordered to be killed by King Herod after the magi told him about the birth of Jesus as perhaps a rival King..  The feast of the Holy Innocents is commemorated on December 28th.

637-What is the Holy Land?
A:  It refers to Palestine, the place of the great events in the life of Jesus.  It has been called this since the Middle Ages.

638-What is the Holy Roman Empire?
A: It refers to the Empire of the West which began with the coronation of Charlemagne in the year 800 and brought to an end by Napoleon in 1806.

639-What is Holy Saturday?
A: It is the day before Easter or Easter Even.  It commemorates the time when Jesus is still in the tomb.

640-What is the Holy See?
A:  It is the See or official seat of the bishop of Rome and refers to the papacy.

641-What is the Holy Sepulchre?
A: The site of the place where Jesus was buried and "discovered " by St. Helena who built a church there.  It is a place where Holy Week rites of different churches are observed.

642-Who is the Holy Spirit?
A: The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, also call the Holy Comforter.  The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Church is celebrated on the feast of Pentecost or fifty days after Easter and after the Ascension of Christ, when Christ sent the Spirit to the Church as evidence of the continuing presence of God in the Church.  The Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of God who moved over the face of the deep in the creation story.

643-What is Holy Water?
A: Holy water is water blessed by a priest for Holy Baptism or to be used in other rites of blessing within the church.  Holy Water fonts are often found at the entrance of a church for members to dip their finger and place on their foreheads as a remembrance of the waters of baptism by which they were made children of God.

644-What is a Homily?
A: A homily is another name for a sermon; often meaning a "shorter" sermon given by a preacher.

645-What is homiletics?
A: Homiletics is the study and teaching of effective methods for preaching.

646-Why is Richard Hooker important in Anglicanism?
A: He is a 16th century English Theologian who presented the best case for the authority and purpose of the Church of England as established in the Elizabethan Settlement of 1559.

647-What is the meaning of Hope?
A: It is one of the theological virtues, a desire for future good which is not yet actual in one's life.

648-What is the meaning of the word Hosanna?
A: It is a request in prayer from the Hebrew which means, "Save us!"  It is the cry used by the multitude at the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem while riding a donkey.  It is used in the Holy, Holy, Holy hymn during the Eucharist in the phrase, "Hosanna in the highest."

649-What are the Canonical Hours?
A:  They are the hours of daily prayer for the monastic communities.  In Latin: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers and Compline.

650-Who were the Huguenots?
A:  They were French Protestants from the 16th century who were often persecuted and even massacred.

651-Who was John Huss?
A:  He was a Bohemian reformer who lived from 1369-1415.  He was excommunicated by the Pope.  He is a national hero of the Czech people.

652-What is a hymn?
A: It is sacred poetry set to music and used in the liturgy of the church.  Hymn books are companion books to the Book of Common Prayer.

653-Who was Ichabod?
A: He was the grandson of the priest Eli and his father was a corrupt priest.  His name means, "the glory has departed" ans describes what befell the priestly family before Samuel rose to be the Judge of Israel

654-What is the iconoclastic controversy?
A:  It is the controversy in the Greek Orthodox Church in the 8th and 9th century regarding the veneration of the sacred and holy paintings, the icons.  The Iconoclasts opposed the veneration of the icons.

655-What is Christian iconography?
A: In general it refers to the pictorial or symbolic representation of Christian ideas or persons.  It can refer more specifically to the sacred artistic painting known as "icons," the veneration of which is a devotional practice in various Orthodox Churches.

656-What is an Iconostasis?
A:  It is a screen of icons which divide the sanctuary of an Orthodox Church from the Nave

657-Why is Ignatius of Loyola well known as a saint?
A: He is the founder of the Jesuits, or the Society of Jesus.  The Jesuits in the United States are known for their secondary education institutions as well as their colleges and universities.

658-What does the IHS stand for in Christian symbols?
A: It is an abbreviation for the name of Jesus meaning, Jesus, Savior of Men.  'Iesus Hominum Salvator.'

659-Who wrote the Christian devotional Classic, "The Imitation of Christ?"
A: Thomas a Kempis in the 15th century.

660-What does immersion mean in the practice of baptism?
A: It is submersion of a baptismal candidate's entire body in water during baptism.  The Greek word for baptism means "to immerse."  Immersion is practiced by various Christians, but particularly the Baptists.

661-What does immortality mean?
A: It refers to the continuation of another quality of life after one dies.  The Christian belief in the resurrection of the body is a belief in the reconstituting of the whole person.  Reincarnation is the way other religions conceive of life after life.

662-What does incarnation mean?
A: Incarnation refers to the Christian belief that Christ as the Word of God was made flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.  Incarnation means, "made flesh" but refers to the belief that God became human.

663-Why is incense used in the church?
A: Incense was used in the worship of the Jewish Temple but its use in the church may have derived from the custom of incense being carried before Roman officials.  Incense symbolizes the prayers of the saints rising to God and is used at various places in the liturgies of the church.  Sometimes incense is associated with High Church ritual practice.

664-What is the name of the incense burning vessel?
A:  Thurible

665-What does one call the person who carries a thurible?
A:  Thurifer

666-What is an indulgence?
A:  It is the forgiving by a Church leader of an imposed penalty for a sin.  The Reformation was partially due to the practice of the "selling" of indulgences by clergy of the church.

667-What does Infallibility mean?
A:  It was a declaration in 1870 by the Roman Catholic Church regarding the definition of the Pope as being without error in his declarations on matters of faith and morals

668-What is Infant Baptism?
A: It is the practice of baptizing babies and young children.  Some Christian churches believe that baptism can only be done if a person is of age to choose to be baptized.  The Episcopal Church allows the practice of  Infant Baptism.

669-What is an infidel?
A: An infidel was a pejorative title for one who did not profess any belief in the Christian faith.  It was more common when Christians did not respect persons who were not members of their own faith communities.  Infidel could mean anyone who was non-Christian.

670-What does Inquisition mean?
A: It refers to the official effort of the church to punish members who disobey church laws and express disagreement with the church's doctrine.  The Inquisitions have a cruel history and they have come to be regarded as the corruption of a church which did not permit diversity.

670-What is I.N.R.I.?
A:  It is the letter abbreviations of the inscription on the cross of Jesus for the Latin words meaning, Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.

671-What is the liturgical event of an installation?
A:  it is when a clergy is formally made the Dean of a Cathedral or a priest is made the head of a parish.  The Celebration of a New Ministry is the name of the liturgy for such occasions.

672-What are the Words of Institution?
A: They are words, "This is my body...This is my blood"  in the Eucharistic prayer.

673-What does Intercession mean or intercessory?
A: It is the kinds of prayer offered when praying for others in need.

674-What is Intinction?
A: Intinction is the dipping of the communion bread into the chalice instead of drinking from the chalice.

675-What in an Introit?
A: It is music or an act of worship before the liturgy begins.  It may be done in place of a prelude or follow a prelude.

676-Who is Isaac?
A:  He is a Patriarch of the Old Testament, son of Abraham and Sarah, husband of Rebekah and Father of Jacob and Esau.  He was born to Abraham and Sarah late in their lives.

677-Who is Isaiah?
A:  He was a prophet who had a vision and calling from God.  His writings are found in the Book of Isaiah and include many of the ideas which formed the Christian notion of the Messiah.

678-What is Israel?
A: Israel was the new name given to Jacob when he wrestled an angel.  The sons of Jacob became the tribes of Israel.  Israel became the name of the Promised Land which the tribes of Israel inhabited.  Israel became divided into two kingdoms, the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.

679-Who was Jairus?
A: He was the ruler of the synagogue whose child was healed by Jesus.

680-Who are the three saints named James?
A: James, the brother of John and son of Zebedee and one of the twelve, James the son of Alphaeus and one of the twelve, and James, brother of Jesus who was a leader in the early church in Jerusalem.

681-What is the letter of James?
A: It is a general epistle and gives practical advice about living without hypocrisy.  "Faith without works is dead," is one of the well known teachings of the Epistle of James.

682-What does Jehovah mean?
A: It was how the Hebrew name for God was translated into European languages.  Today scholars use "Yahweh" as being closer to the pronunciation of the Hebrew name but the Jews out of respect for the holy name of God do not pronounce the Hebrew name of God as Yahweh.  They use the name Adonai instead.  Many Christian hymns used the word Jehovah as the name of God.

683-Whho was the prophet Jeremiah?
A:  He was a prophet from near Jerusalem in the 7th cent. B.C.  He prophesied about the destruction of the temple and angered the king.  He writes with passion and love about the destruction of Jerusalem.  His writings can be found in Jeremiah and Lamentations.

684-Who was St. Jerome and what is he best known for?
A: He was a Biblical scholar from the fifth century who translated the Bible from the original biblical languages into Latin.  This edition of the Bible is called the Vulgate.

685-Why is Jerusalem important?
A:  It is a special and holy city for three religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  It is also known as the City of David when it became his fortress.  Solomon built the temple there on the place which Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac.  It is perhaps the most loved and fought over city in the history of the world.  Jerusalem was the place of the most important events in the life of Jesus, his ministry, trial, death and resurrection.

686-Who is the prophet Joel?
A:  he is a prophet who wrote about a plague of locusts and who speaks of a time when the Spirit will be poured out on all flesh.  Joel is quoted in Acts to explain the day of Pentecost.

687-Who is St. John?
A:  John is the Apostles who was the brother of James, son of Zebedee.  He is associated with the Gospel of John, the three Epistles of John and the Book of Revelation.  The Gospel of John and the Epistles of John may have come from a community of this person referred to as the Beloved Disciple.  Because of the different quality and style of Greek writing, many scholars do not believe that the Book of Revelation was written by the same authors within the community of the Beloved Disciple who wrote the Gospel of John.

688-Who was John the Baptist?
A:  John the Baptist was desert man prophet and reformer of Judaism who preached a message of repentance.  He required that people be baptized in the Jordan River as proof of their commitment to this path of repentance.  Jesus was related to John the Baptist through Mary his mother, and he was baptized by John before beginning his ministry.  Many followers of John the Baptist became followers of Jesus.  John was beheaded by King Herod.

689-Who is St. John of the Cross?
A: Juan de la Cruz was the of the Discalced Carmelites in Spain in the 16th century.  He wrote spiritual works entitled "The Ascent of Mount Carmel," and "The Dark Night of the Soul."

690-Where is the Jordan River?
A: The Jordan River flows through the middle of Palestine.  It was the place of the last crossing into the Promised Land for Israel.  John the Baptist preached near the Jordan and baptized his followers in it.

691-Who is Joseph of Arimathea?
A:  He is the man who requested the body of Jesus from Pilate and provided his own tomb for the entombment of the body of Jesus.

692-Who is Joshua?
A: Joshua is the leader who succeeded Moses and led the people of Israel into the Promised Land.  The book of Joshua traces the history of Israel after Moses died.

693-What does Jubilate means?
A:  It is Latin and means "O Be Joyful" and is the opening words of Psalm 100.  It is used as a Canticle for Morning Prayer and is often sung.

694-Where is Judaea?
A:It is name for the southern part of Palestine used after the return from the Babylonian exile.  It is the location of Jerusalem and the  place of some of the ministry of Jesus.

695-What is the Tribe of Judah?
A: Judah was a son of Jacob and he became the head of the tribe of his name.  His tribe became strong in the time of David and with the tribe of Benjamin became a separated kingdom from the 10 other tribes of Israel.

696-What is Judaism?
A: Judaism is the faith and practice of the Jewish people.  Judaism was the faith community of Jesus of Nazareth and he believed that he offered reform to the practices of the Jews in Palestine.

697-Who was Judas Iscariot?
A:  Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.  He made a secret agreement with the Jewish authorities to identify Jesus for the arresting soldiers.  He identified Jesus by kissing him.  He later killed himself.  He was replaced by Matthias in the group of twelve disciples.

698-What is the Book of Jude?
A: It is a small book, next to last in the New Testament.  It issues a warning against those who have false teachings.  Since the book of Jude is so small, Jude is regarded to be the Saint of lost causes.

699-What is the book of Judges?
A: The book of Judges is the 7th book of the Bible.  it is a history book which covers events from the death of Joshua to the beginning of the monarchy in Israel during the period when Judges were the leaders of Israel.

700-What does the word Kerygma mean?
A: It is the Greek word for preaching.  Preaching was the proclamation of the Gospel.

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