Sunday, October 25, 2015

EEK! Essential Episcopal Knowledge 701-800

701-What is the significance of the Kingdom of God?
A: It was central to the message of Jesus.  He told many parables about how to understand God's reign in this world.  In the Gospel of Matthew, Kingdom of Heaven is used, perhaps because in the Jewish community there may have been an avoidance of saying "God" out of respect for God's holy name.

702-What are the Books of Kings?
A: They are books of history in the Hebrew Scriptures for the history of the Jewish monarchy until the fall of Jerusalem.

703-What is the Kiss of Peace?
A:  The Kiss of Peace has become the passing of the peace in the Eucharistic liturgy.  It occurs after the confession and absolution.

704-What does Kyrie Eleison mean?
A: It is from the Greek, meaing, "Lord have mercy" and is a prayer for mercy.  The "Lord have mercy" may be the leftover of a responsorial to a prayer petition.  It is said or sung after the collect for purity in the Eucharist.

705-Why is Lambeth important in the Anglican Communion?
A:  Lambeth is the residence in London of the Archbishop of Canterbury, also called Lambeth Palace.  The Lambeth Conference is the Assembly of all of the Bishops in the Anglican church every ten years.  It is held at Lambeth Palace.

706-What is the Lambeth Conference?
A: A gathering of all Bishops of the Anglican Communion every ten years by invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury for a consultation on matters which present themselves for collegial discussion, cooperation and action.

707-What is the Last Supper?
A: Refers to the meal which Jesus had with his disciple before he was arrested.  This meal as reported in the Gospels, is the meal which instituted the practice of Holy Eucharist in the Church.

708-What is a lavabo bowl and towel?
A: It is the bowl and towel used for washing the hands of the celebrant during the Eucharist.  Lavabo is the Latin, meaning "I will wash" and is first words of the quoted Psalm in Latin that celebrants of the Latin Mass said during the washing of the hands.

709-Who is Lazarus?
A: Lazarus as presented in the Gospel of John is the brother of Mary and Martha of Bethany and he died and was brought back to life by Jesus.  Another Lazarus was a leper and beggar in a parable of Jesus who when he died went to live with Abraham.

710-What is a lectern?
A: A reading podium.  Often churches have a pulpit and a lectern on opposite sides of the chancel, the lectern for the public reading of the Bible and the pulpit for preaching.

711-What is a lector?
A: A lector is one who reads the Scriptures in the public liturgies.

712-What is the season of Lent?
A: Lent is the forty week days before Easter and is used as a time of special preparation for Easter, through special disciplines and devotions.  In the ancient church it was used as a time of intensive preparation of adult baptismal candidates for baptism at the Easter Vigil.

713-What is Holy Orders?
A: It is another name for the ordained ministry.

714-Who is Levi, son of Alphaeus?
A:He was a tax collector who followed Jesus and became his disciples.  He is believed to be St. Matthew.

715-What is a Levirate Marriage?
A- It was a requirement of Mosaic Law for a man to marry his brother's widow.  It was used in a discussion of Jesus with the Sadducees about the resurrection.

716-Who are the Levites?
A-The Levites were the descendants of the tribe of Levi who served as the priests of the tabernacle and temple.  Aaron was the first Levitical priest.

717-What is the book of Leviticus about?
A:The book of Leviticus is the third book of the Bible and Torah.  It include lots of the ritual rules and it includes the Code of Holiness for living a pure life.

718-What is Limbo?
A: Limbo is the afterlife state of people who were not in the full blessed state of heaven or in the state of condemnation.  So in Christian theology when the state of people who lived and died before Christ  the term Limbo was used to describe their afterlife state.

719-What is a "litany" and The Great Litany?
A: Litany is a form of liturgical prayers asking for God's help.  They often are done with responses.  The Great Litany is a long prayer included in the Book of Common Prayer used during penitential seasons or times of public distress.

720-What does "logia" refer to in New Testament studies?
A: It refers to the sayings of Jesus.

721-What is Logos?
A: It is the Greek word for 'word' or 'reason.'  In the Gospel of John Christ is called the Logos who is God, who created all things and who was made flesh in Jesus.

722-Who is the Lord of Hosts?
A: It is an Old Testament name for God.  It is used in the hymn the Sanctus which derives from the vision that the prophet Isaiah had of God.  Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts...

723-What is the Lord's Prayer?
A: It is the prayer that Jesus taught to the disciples and is also called the "Our Father."  It is found in different forms in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.

724-How is the word 'Love' significant in the Bible?
A:  Love is a theological virtue.  It is distinguished by three Greek words, eros (desire), philia(friendship or brotherly love), and agape with agape referring to the special kind of love that God has.

725-What is a Low Mass?
A: It is a Eucharistic without music and often was said by a single priest and a server.

726-What is Low Sunday?
A: It is the Sunday after Easter Sunday and is called that because in contrast with Easter there is a fall off in the festivity of the liturgy and in congregational attendance.

727-Who was Saint Luke?
A:  He is thought to be a physician and missionary companion of St. Paul and who wrote the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles as a two-book set.

728-What is a Lych-Gate?
A: From the Old English, a "corpse" gate or a covered gate which was used to shelter the caskets from the rain during the burial in the church yards which were also cemeteries.

729-What does Madonna mean?
A:  Madonna means My Lady and refers to the Virgin Mary.  Pictures of Mary with the baby Jesus are often referred to as Madonna and Child.

730-Who was Mary Magdalene?
A: She was a close follower of Jesus who had her life transformed by his healing touch.  She also was the first person to experience the post-resurrection appearance of Christ.

731-Who are Magi?
A: These are the Wisemen or the Three Kings who appear in the Christmas Story in the Gospel of Matthew.  They symbolize foreigners and Gentiles who came to see the importance of Christ.

732-Who was the prophet Malachi?
A: He is the name given to the person associated with the last book of the Old Testament.  In his writing he emphasized God love for God's people and he condemned some unfaithful practices of the people.

733-What does the phrase "Maranatha" mean?
A: It is the plea found in the book of Revelation meaning, "O Lord, Come!"

734-Who is Marcion and why is he important?
A: Marcion was called a heretic in the second century.  He rejected the Hebrew Scriptures but he is important for revealing some of the early lists of books included in the books of the New Testament.

735-What is Mariology?
A:  It is the study of the significance of the life of the Virgin Mary both in her time and in the history of the church, particularly in her role in the Roman Catholic Church.

736-Who is Mark?
A: Mark is sometime regarded to be John Mark, evangelist and cousin of Barnabas.  He is regarded to be the author/editor of the earliest Gospel, the Gospel of Mark which begins, not with the birth of Jesus but with his baptism by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.  Because so much of the Gospel of Mark is include in Luke and Matthew, it had to be written before them.

737-Who is Martha in the Gospels?
A: Martha is this sister of Mary and Lazarus of Bethany.  To her, Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life.

738-What is the meaning of the word "martyr?"
A:  Martyr is from the Greek word which means witness.  It came to be used to refer to the Christians who made a witness to their faith through the loss of their lives to their persecutors.  Martyrs were honored as the early saints of the church.

739-Who is the Blessed Virgin Mary?
A: She is the mother of Jesus who received an announcement from the angel Gabriel that she would conceive through action of the Holy Spirit.  In Roman Catholic theology she is regarded to be a perpetual Virgin in that she did not have other children.  She came to be venerated and honored.  She is prayed to and the Hail Mary is a special prayer addressed to her.  In Roman Catholic tradition she is believed to have been Assumed into heaven and she is also believed to have had an Immaculate Conception, meaning she was conceived sinless.  There are also sites in this world which mark the places where people received appearances and visions of the Virgin Mary, including Lourdes, Fatima, and Guadeloupe.  Some High Church Anglicans adopts some of these pious devotions to the Virgin Mary.

740-Who is Mary Tudor?
A:  She was a daughter of King Henry VIII, who remained loyal to the Roman Catholic Church after Henry VIII separated the Church in England from Papal authority.  She became Queen when Edward VI died, and in restoring Roman Catholic practice, she persecuted and even burned as heretics some of the chief religious reformers of the Church in England under Henry VIII.  For this, she is often referred to as "Bloody Mary."

741-What are the Massoretes and what does Massoretic Text mean?
A: They refer to Jewish grammarians who established the accepted vowel pointing systems for the Hebrew Scriptures.  Hebrew was written in consonants without the voicing marks of the vowels.  Establishing the vowels added specific meanings to the Hebrew texts.

742-What is Matrimony?
A:  Another name for the sacrament of Marriage.

743-Who was Matthew?
A: Often believe to be Levi, the disciple of Jesus referred to in the Gospel of Matthew.  The Gospel of Matthew is attributed to him.  This Gospel is written to those familiar with the Jewish Law.  It includes the birth of Jesus stories and the Sermon on the Mount.

744-What is Meditation?
A: It is a type of mental prayer using phrases or "mantras" or religious imagery.

745-What is Methodism and Methodists?
A: Methodism referred to system of religious faith and practices began by John and Charles Wesley who were Anglican priests.  In the 1790's the Methodist movement separated from the Church of England to become a separate religious denomination.  The Methodist Church is a mainline church in the United States.

746-What does "Old as Methuselah" mean?
A: It means really old because Methuselah is listed in the Book of Genesis as one who lived to the age of 969 or the oldest man of all time.

747-What is a Metropolitan?
A: It is a "super" bishop or one who exercised authority in a province, an area larger than a diocese.

748-What is the book of Micah?
A:  A minor prophet of the Old Testament who prophesies the destruction of the temple.  He  writes about true religion being justice, mercy and walking humble before God.

749-Who painted the famous ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and the Last Supper?
A: Michelangelo

750-What era is referred to as the Middle Ages?
A: It stretches from the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 until the time before the Renaissance.  Others view the Middle Ages to begin in 1100 and extending through end of the 14th century.

751-What is Midrash?
A: It refers to a method of Jewish study and interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures.  It is an effort to seek a deeper meaning of the Hebrew Scripture than the literal meaning.  Some New Testament writing partake of some of the methods of Midrash.

752-What is a minster?
A: A name used for various large churches in England, like Westminster and Yorkminster.

753-What is a Miracle?
A: An event attributed to the special intervention of God.

754-What is a Missal?
A: The book of prayers and ceremonial on the altar.

755-What does Missions mean?
A: A mission is the special evangelical effort of the church.  A missionary is a person who has the calling to a mission activity.  In The Episcopal Church "mission" sometimes refers to a congregation which does not have parish status and more reliant upon a diocese for financial support and provision of the ordained ministers for the mission.

756-What is Monophysitism?
A:  The belief that in the person of Jesus there was only one nature, the Divine nature.

757-What is monotheism?
A: It is the belief in one God.  Judaism, Christianity and Islam are monotheistic religions.

758-What is Moral Theology?
A:  It is the formal study of Christian conduct using the Bible as the source of authority for ethical conduct.

759-Who was Thomas More?
A: he was the Lord Chancellor of England for Henry VIII who disagreed with Henry VIII in his papal disputes.  He was imprisoned and accused of high treason and beheaded.

760-What is a Mortal Sin?
A: In the Roman Catholic definitions of sin, it is a deliberate act of turning away from God.

761-What is a movable feast?
A: It is a feast which does not fall on a fixed date.  Easter is a movable feast since it is determined by the lunar calendar.

762-What is mysticism and mystical theology?
A: Mysticism is a belief in the immediacy of God's presence.  In mystical theology one studies the scope and nature of spiritual experience.

763-Who was Nahum?
A: He was a prophet with a book of the same Nahum.  The book of Nahum tells about the fall of Nineveh.

764-What is the Nativity of our Lord?
A:  It is another name for Christmas.

765-What is Natural Law?
A:  It is the practice and discovery of conduct toward God and other people that can be known and lived without special revelation or grace.

766-What is the Nave?
A:  The Nave is the main part of the church before the chancel or sanctuary. 

767-Why is Jesus called the Nazarene?
A: Because he was raised in the town of Nazareth.

768-Who is Nehemiah?
A:  He is a leader of Israel who helped resettle the exiles in Palestine.   His life ministry is recorded in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, both books of the Old Testament.

769-What did the Nestorian Christians believe?
A:  They believed that there were two separate persons in Jesus, one Divine and one human.

770-Who was John Henry Newman?
A: He was an Anglican who converted to the Roman Catholic Church and became a Cardinal and author.  He was a leader of the Anglican "High Church" Movement called the Tractarians or the Oxford Movement.

771-Who was John Newton?
A:  He was a ship captain who was converted and became ordained.  He wrote the words for the famous hymn, "Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound."

772-Who was St. Nicholas?
A: He was a Bishop in Myra about whom little is known but became associated for his kindness in the care of children.  He has become in popular culture using the Dutch pronunciation of his name "Santa Claus."  His feast day is on December 6th.

773-Who was Nicodemus?
A:  He was a Pharisee who came to meet Jesus by night and he heard Jesus tell him to be "born again."

774-What did nonconformity mean in the Anglican Church?
A:  A nonconformist was one who did not conform to the doctrines and practices of the Established Church in England, the Church of England.  Presbyterians, Baptists, Congregationalists and Methodists have been called nonconformists.

775-What is a novice?
A:   A novice is person in a probationary period in testing their vocation to the religious life as a monk or nun.

776-What is significance of the number  666?
A:  In the book of Revelation it is called the number of the Beast, a figure who is associated with the Anti-Christ.

777-What is the Book of Numbers?
A:  It is the fourth book of the Bible and Torah.  It is the narration of the years in the wilderness of the people of Israel before they reached the Promised Land.

778-What is the "Nunc Dimittis?"
A:  It is the Latin song title for the Song of Simeon meaning "Now let depart"

779-What is a Nuptial Mass?
A: It is the Eucharist that occurs at a Marriage Ceremony.

780-What does Obedience mean?
A: Obedience means to follow a lawful superior.  A monk or nun takes a vow of Obedience and agrees to obey his or her superiors.

781-What is the Book of Occasional Services?
A: It is a companion liturgical book to the book of Common Prayer and contains liturgies for special occasions, like blessing of homes, or seasonal liturgies like Advent and Christmas Lessons and Carols.

782-What is Adestes Fideles?
A: The Latin for "O Come All Ye Faithful," the most used processional hymn for Christmas.

783-What does Veni, Veni, Emmanuel mean?
A: It is Latin for "O Come, O come Emmanuel" and it is a common Advent Carol.

784-What is an Octave?
A:  It means using a liturgical observance or devotional use for eight days.

785-What is the Offertory?
A:  It  refers to the offering of bread and wine in the Eucharist and also the period of preparation of the altar for Holy Communion.  Also it is a time to receive the alms or offerings of people to be offered for the ministry of the church.

786-What is the Mount of Olives?
A:  The highest hill East of Jerusalem near the Garden of Gethsemane.  It was a place often visited by Jesus and is believed to be the site from which Jesus ascended into heaven.

787-Who is Onesimus?
A: He is the slave who ran away from Philemon.  He had become a convert through the ministry of Paul and Paul wrote the letter of Philemon to ask him to restore him to his friendship as a Christian brother.

788-What does ordinary mean?
A: It refers to the ordained minister who has a jurisdiction in a parish or a diocese.  A bishop is the "ordinary" of a diocese.

789-What does Original Sin refer to?
A:  It refers to the state of sin which humanity has been in since the Fall, or the disobedience of Adam and Eve.

790-What does orthodoxy mean?
A:  Orthodoxy refers to correct or right belief.

791-What is Oxford?
A: It is a prominent university in  Oxford England and dates from the 8th century.  Along with Cambridge it has produced many Anglican theologians and clergy.  Archbishops of Canterbury usually have attended either Oxford or Cambridge.

792-What is the Oxford Movement?
A:  It is a movement to restore High Church ideals as a reaction to Liberalism in theology.  It occurred in the mid 19th century and had various phases, the Tractarians, the social outreach emphasis and the ritualistic phase.

793-What is a Pall?
A: It is a cloth covering.  There is a Pall for a Chalice and a funeral pall for a casket.

794-What is Pantheism?
A:  It is the belief in many gods.

795-What is a parable?
A:  The parables are the narrative teaching stories that Jesus used to teach about the kingdom of God.  They included metaphors and similes.

796-What is a parish?
A: A parish is a local geographical area of a diocese which has a church, a parish church.  Parish also means a local congregation within a diocese.

797-What is the Parousia?
A:  It means presence or arrival and refers to the belief of the early Christians about the future return of Christ.

798-What does Pasch mean?
A: It comes from the Greek word for Passover.

799-What is the Paschal Candle?
A:  It is the new candle lit at the Easter Vigil each year and it is lit through the Easter Season until the feast of Pentecost.

800-What does Paschal Lamb refer to?
A: The Paschal Lamb is lamb used as the substitutionary sacrifice for the first born sons of Israel who were captive in Egypt.  The Paschal Lamb was used by Christians to refer to the death of Jesus as the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.

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