Wednesday, October 28, 2015

EEK! Essential Episcopal Knowledge 301-400

301-What is the Aramaic word for Father or "Daddy" found in the New Testament?
A: Abba

301-What philosopher and theologian was known for his love relationship with Heloise?
A: Peter Abelard

303-In the parable of Jesus what is the bosom of Abraham a symbol of?
A: the afterlife dwelling of Lazarus

304-What is an acolyte?
A: a person who carries the torches in the liturgy and assists at the altar

304-In what city were followers of Jesus first called Christians?
A: Antioch

305-What prophet in the Acts of the Apostles predicted a famine?
A: Agabus

306-What are the three Greek words for love in the New Testament?
 A: Eros, Phileo, Agape

307-Which Greek word for love is divine love?
A: Agape

308-What is a person called who is uncertain about believing in God?
A: An agnostic

309-What is the Latin for Lamb of God which is also a name of a pre-Communion anthem?
A: agnus Dei

310-What Feast Day occurs on November 1st?
A: All Saints' Day

311-What is another older English name for All Saints' Day?
A: All Hallows' Day

312-What is the day before All Saints' called?
A: All Saints' Eve or All Hallows' Eve

313- What is the popular title for All Hallows' Eve
A:  Halloween

314-What is the church name for a gift for the poor?
A: an Alm

315-What is another name for the offering collection plate?
A: Alms basin

316-What is the name of the table used for Holy Eucharist?
A: Altar

317-Who was the prophet who took care of sycamore trees?
A: Amos

318-Who were the husband and wife who lied to Peter about giving their property to the Christian community?
A: Ananias and Sapphira

319-What happened to Ananias and Sapphira after they lied?
A: They fell dead

320-What does let them be "anthema" mean?
A: Let them be accursed

321-Who is Simon Peter's brother and the patron saint of Scotland?
A: St. Andrew

322-In what book does it refer to the seven angels of the churches?
A: The Book of Revelation

323-What is Anglicanism?
A: A term to characterize belief and practices of all of the churches in communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury

324-What is Anglo-Catholicism often called?
A:  High Church meaning that some of the rituals and practices of Roman Catholicism are embraced

325-Who were Annas and Caiphas?
A: High Priests of the Temple during the time of Jesus

326-What does A.D. mean when referring to a year?
A: Anno Domini or in the year of the Lord

327-What has A.D. recently been changed to and why?
A: It has been changed to C.E. or Common Era to take into account that not all people in the world are Christians.

328-What is the Feast of the Annunciation?
A: It is a feast which commemorates on March 25 the announcement by the angel Gabriel that Mary would conceive and bear the Christ Child

329-What does apostle mean?
A: one who is sent and it refers to the companions of Jesus who were called and sent into ministry.

330-What is the Appian Way?
A: It is a famous road going into Rome

331-What is the Areopagus?
A: A location in Athens also called Mars Hill where St. Paul spoke with the Athenians about God.

332-What is Arianism?
A: belief system named after Arius who questioned the full divinity of Jesus

333-What Christian saint used the Greek philosopher Aristotle to write his theology?
A: St. Thomas Aquinas

 334-What is the first day of Lent called?
A: Ash Wednesday

335-What is the last day of the season of the Epiphany called?
A: Shrove Tuesday

336-What is another name for Shrove Tuesday?
A: Mardi Gras

337-Who is the saint associated with Italian city of Assisi?
A: St. Francis

338-What is Athanasius known for?
A: For helping to define the Trinity for the Council of Nicaea in 325

339-What do you call a person who does not believe in God?
A: Atheist

340-What does atonement mean?
A: it means at-one-ment with God and refers to how humanities' relationship with God was repaired by the death of Jesus on the cross

341-What are the two cities associated with two saints with the name of Augustine?
A: Hippo and Canterbury

342-Why is Augustine of Canterbury important for Anglicanism?
A: He was the first Archbishop of Canterbury.

343-What is Augustine of Hippo known for?
A: He was an important theologian with a famous conversion.

344-What are the titles of Augustine two most important writings?
A: "The City of God," and "The Confessions"

345-Who was the mother of Augustine of Hippo and why is she well known?
A: Monica, and she is known for praying for the conversion of her son when he was living a very non-Christian life.

346-What famous quote of St. Augustine is important for choirs?
A: Augustine said, "The one who sings prays twice."

347-What is an aumbry or tabernacle in the church?
A: They are cupboards or receptacles for holding holy oils and the reserved sacrament

348-What is the Ave Maria?
A-It is a common prayer used to pray to the Virgin Mary: Hail Mary, full of grace.  The Lord is with thee.  Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.  Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.  This prayer is often used with Rosary Beads for personal and public devotional prayer.  This prayer has more widespread use in the Roman Catholic Church.  The Ave Maria has various musical settings and is often sung in Latin.

349-What is the scape goat of the Old Testament called?
A: Azazel, was a goat sent into the wilderness as a sin offering for the people

350-Who is Baal?
A: Baal, means Lord, and Baal was the god of some of the people in Canaan.

351-Where do we find Baal in the New Testament?
A: In the Gospels Baalzebub or Beelzebub is the devil or literally "lord of the flies"

352-What is the Babylonian Captivity?
A: It is when the many Jews were taken from their country into exile under King Nebuchadnezzar in 597 and 586 BCE

353-What does the word baptism mean?
A: It comes from a Greek word meaning to immerse.  It refers to the water rituals practiced by Jews and John the Baptist and Christians

354-Who are the Baptists?
A:  They are a group of Christians who since the early 17th century believed that baptism had to be chosen by an adult after professing belief in Christ as a public testimony of one's faith.  Typically, Baptists practice full immersion in water.

355-Who was Barabbas?
A: he is the prisoner that Pilate released from prison instead of Christ

356-Who was Barnabas?
A-Barnabas was a missionary companion of St. Paul.

357-Who was Bartimaeus?
A-A blind man mentioned in the Gospel of Mark who was healed by Jesus

358-What is a basilica?
A-basilica was large Roman buildings housing the gatherings of the Emperors and governors.  Today a basilica is a church with a special designation by Pope.

359-What does beatification mean?
A-when the pope designates that a holy person who has died can be venerated

360-Who was St. Thomas Becket?
A-He was an Archbishop of Canterbury who was murdered at Canterbury Cathedral in 1170 by some enemies.  His tomb at Canterbury Cathedral made this a popular place of pilgrimage.

361-What is the Venerable Bede best known for?
A: He lived in the 7th and 8th century and is known as the Father of English History

362-What is St. Benedict best known for?
A: He is known as the Father of Western monasticism.  The Rule of St. Benedict is the model written guideline for monastic life.

363-What religious order was founded by St. Benedict?
A:  The Benedictine Order

364-What is a religious Order?
A: It is an organized group of people who gather as monks or nuns to pray and they follow the rules of obedience, poverty and chastity.

365-What is a Benediction?
A: A benediction is a prayer of blessing often given by a bishop or priest at the conclusion of a liturgy.

365-What is the Benedictus?
A:  It is the Latin title name for the Prayer of Zecariah, the father of John the Baptist.  It is a Canticle in the Book of Common Prayer used for morning and evening prayer.

366-Who is Ben Sirach?
A: Ben Sirach is the author of the book of Ecclesiasticus in the Apocrypha portion of the Bible.

367-Who was nicknamed Boanerges, meaning "sons of thunder?"
A: James and John, disciples of Jesus who were sons of Zebedee the fisherman

368-Who is known as the apostle of Germany?
A: St. Boniface from the 7th and eighth century

369-What is the significance of the bronze serpent?
A: Moses raised the bronze serpent on the pole so the children of Israel could look at it and be healed of their snake bites.  Jesus said that the Son of Man would be lifted up, like Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness.

370-What does Broad Church mean in Anglicanism?
A: It is compared with High Church and Low Church was a more liberal interpretation and practice of the Anglican faith

371-Who was the American Bishop who was a famous preacher and wrote the Christmas Carol, "O Little Town of Bethlehem?"
A: Bishop Phillips Brooks

372-Who was John Bunyan?
A: He was a preacher persecuted by the Anglican Church.  He wrote an allegory called, "Pilgrim's Progress" about growth in the Christian life.

373-What is a burse?
A: It is stiff squared hinged material used to keep the linen cloth on the altar called a corporal.  It is placed on top of the chalice on the altar.

374-What is a Caesar?
A:  Caesar was the title of the Roman Emperors

375-Who were the Caesars during time of Jesus?
A: Augustus and Tiberius

376-Why is Cesarea Philippi known in the Gospels?
A: It is place where Peter confessed Jesus to be the Messiah.

377-Who was the Jewish High Priest before whom Jesus was tried?
A: Caiphas

378-What two calendars have been used during Christian history?
A: The Julian and the Gregorian Calendar

379-Why does the Western Church have a different date for Christmas than many of the Eastern Orthodox churches?
A: Some Orthodox Churches still use the Julian calendar.

380-What does Calvary and Golgotha mean?
A: Place of the skull, where Jesus was crucified

381-What is one of the known views of the Protestant theologian John Calvin?
A: Absolute predestination meaning God choose some person beforehand for salvation or for damnation

382-What are the two best known universities in England?
A: Oxford and Cambridge

383-What are the different uses of the word "canon" in the church?
A: 1-a list of books included in the Bible. 2-a title of a clergy person associated with a cathedral, 3-or an honorary title given to person of exemplary service 4-Canon Laws are special laws which pertain to church rules rather than secular rules, 5-Canon of the Mass, is the Eucharistic Prayer which begins after singing the "Holy, Holy, Holy."

384-What does canonization mean in the Roman Catholic Church?
A:  It is process of certifying whether a particular exemplary heroic Christian is worthy of the official title "saint" after he or she dies

385- How does the Episcopal Church recognize saints?
A: through a proposal process which ends by a vote at the General Convention to add a person to our calendar of saints now called "A Great Cloud of Witnesses."

386-Why is Canterbury an important place?
A: The first Archbishop of Canterbury, Augustine established his first church in Canterbury which became the Cathedral of the Archbishop of Canterbury 

387-What is a Canticle?
A: It is a song or prayer which is not a Psalm which is used in the liturgy of the church

388-What is a cantor?
A: A cantor is the musical liturgical leader in a synagogue.  In the church a cantor is one who leads the intoned portions of the liturgies.

389-What is liturgy?
A:  Liturgy refers to the prayer and worship forms used by the church and specified in the Book of Common Prayer for convening public worship

390-What is important about the town of Capernaum?
A: It is a town near the Sea of Galilee in the area where Jesus of Nazareth was born and raised.  Capernaum became a center for the ministry of Jesus after he was rejected by the people of his hometown.

391-What is a Cardinal?
A: A Cardinal is a papal appointment to the group who gather to select a new pope from among themselves.  The Anglican Church and The Episcopal Church do not have Cardinals.

392-What are the cardinal virtues?
A: prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice.

393- What are the theological virtues?
A: faith, hope and charity

394-What is the "love chapter" in the Bible?
A: First Corinthians 13

395-"Now faith, hope and love abide, these three;  and the greatest of these is love."  Where do we find this quote and who wrote it?
A: First Corinthians 13:13, written by St. Paul.

396-What happened on Mount Carmel?
A: Elijah the prophet had a contest with the prophets of the god Baal

397-Who are two of most famous saints of the Carmelite religious order from Spain?
A: Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross

398-What is a Carol?
A: a song of joy accompanying a dance but now used to refer to the seasonal songs of Advent and Christmas

399-Who are the Caroline Divines?
A: A group of theologian who wrote during the reigns of Charles the I and II.  Carolus is the Latin word for Charles

400-What is a cassock?
A: It is a long colored robe worn by priests and deacons and by choir members and by acolytes, often black but they can vary in color.

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