Monday, October 26, 2015

EEK! Essential Episcopal Knowledge 501-600

501: What Jesuit trained philosopher wrote, "Cogito, ergo sum," meaning "I think, therefore I exist?"
A: RenĂ©  Descartes

502-What does determinism mean?
A: It means in cause and effect there is no room for free will or freedom.

503-What does Deutero-Isaiah mean?
A: It refers to the portions of the book of Isaiah which scholars think were not written by Isaiah.

504-What is the book of Deuteronomy?
A:  It is the fifth book of the Pentateuch and Torah.  It has its name from being a "repetition" of the law and it is a restatement of much of what is found in the first four books of the Bible.  It probably is a re-editing of biblical material at a later period, perhaps the time of King Joash.

505-Who is the Devil?
A: He is the "accuser" and a fallen angel who is known in the Bible and tradition as the personification of evil.

506-What is the Jewish Diaspora?
A: It refers to the various dispersion, deportation and exiles of Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world.  In their dispersions the Jews maintained their community identities.

507-What is the Didache?
A:  It is a very early Christian document which did not get selected for the Bible.  It contains early Christian teaching and a prayer for the Eucharist.

508-Who was Didymus?
A: Didymus means "twin" and it is another name for St. Thomas the apostle, also called "doubting Thomas."

509-What does "Dies Irae" mean?
A:  It means "Day of Wrath" and was the opening words of the Mass for the Dead.  It is known today more for the music composed for this Mass by the great composers.

510-What does Diocletian refer to?
A:  The time of the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletianus, (282-313).  He was known for his persecution of Christians.

511-Who was Dionysius the Areopagite?
A: A convert to the Christian faith by St. Paul, mentioned in Acts 17:34.

512-What is a Dirge?
A:  A traditional name for the Office of the Dead.  It is used today as a reference to something sad and slow.

513-What does it mean if a member of a religious order is discalced?
A:  it refers to the requirement to wear sandals.  Some of the Franciscans are Discalced.

514-What does the term "dispensation" mean in the canon law of the church?
A:  It means one has permission not to follow a church law or discipline.  For example, a woman expecting a child or a sick person may have a "dispensation" to eat during a required fast.

515-What was the Dissolution of the monasteries?
A: It was a monastic reform particularly done by Henry VIII to close down monasteries and find other uses for their vast property holdings.  The Act of Dissolution occurred in 1536.

516-What does the Divine Right of Kings mean?
A: It is the belief that a King or monarch and the hereditary line has divine authority to be the monarch.  This practice has been articulated in different ways by various ruling families in England and in other ancient societies.

517-What does divorce mean in practice of the church?
A: Remarriage in the church has not always been permitted in the history of the church.  The Episcopal Church requires a remarriage petition for previously divorced persons who seek to be married in the church.  The Roman Catholic church has a canonical process of what they call annulment of a marriage.  Annulments state the conditions which did not make a marriage valid.

518-What does the word Dogma mean?
A:  Dogma refers to a religious truth established by revelation and defined by the church.

519-Who was Saint Dominic and why was he important?
A: He was the founder of the Dominican religious order, the Order of Friar Preacher.  He died in the 12th century. 

520-What does the Latin, "Dominus Vobiscum"  mean?
A: It is the liturgical salutation, "The Lord be with you."

521-What is the document the Donation of Constantine?
A: It was a forged document from the 8th or 9th century which purported that Constantine conferred on the Pope of Rome a primacy over the other Bishops of the church.

522-What is Donatism?
A:  Donatism is a heresy or a departure from "official" or orthodox belief.  The Donatist believed that the "sins" of the clergy made their ministry invalid.  The Donatists were a break away (schismatic) group in the African church in the early 4th century.

523-Who was John Donne and what poetic  line is he famous for?
A:  he was a poet and the Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral in London who lived 1573-1631.  He wrote the poem entitled with the first line, "No man is an Island."

524-What is the meaning of Doxology?
A: It is words used to praise the Trinity and can be seen in the hymn "Praise God from whom all blessings flow" which is often used at the presentation of the offerings at Holy Eucharist.  It is also the section which ends the Eucharistic prayer before the great Amen.

525-What does Dualism mean?
A: It means a distinct separation of Mind and Matter.  It also can refers to systems of belief which hold Good and Evil to be divided and equal.  Ancient religions of Zorastrianism and Manichaeism are often called Cosmic Dualism systems of belief.

526-What did the Venerable Bede say the English word Easter came from?
A: He said it was connected with the Anglo-Saxon spring goddess Eostre

527-What is the church office of "elder?"
A:  It is an office in the Presbyterian Church something like a vestry member in The Episcopal Church

528-What is the Elevation in the Holy Eucharist?
A:  It is the lifting of the bread and wine by the celebrant during the prayer of consecration at the Eucharist.

529-What does the prophet Elijah share with the man named Enoch?
A:  they both were "translated" without death into the afterlife; God took Enoch and Elijah rode to heaven on a chariot of fire.

530-Which daughter of King Henry VIII had a very long reign as Queen of England and was responsible for the solidifying of the Church of England?
A: Elizabeth I

531-What does the word "Elohim" mean?
A:  It is the Hebrew plural for "gods" but is used in the Hebrew Scripture as a name for God.

532-For whom is the title "eminence" used?
A: a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church

533-What does the word Emmanuel mean?
A:  It means "God with us" and comes from the book of Isaiah in writing about a promised person who would come.  It is a name used by Christians for Jesus Christ.

534-What is an Encyclical?
A: it is an official letter from a bishop to the church in an area but more recently it refers to a papal encyclical within the Roman Catholic Church

535-What is Ephesians?
A: It is the name of an Epistle of Paul to the church in Ephesus.

536-What great temple was located in the large city of Ephesus?
A: A temple dedicated to the goddess Diana

537-What does the Aramaic phrase "Ephphata" mean?
A: It is command that Jesus gave in healing a deaf person.  It means "be open!"

538-What is the Epiclesis?
A: it is an invocation of the Holy Spirit found in the sacramental rites.  A celebrant blesses the bread and wine asking that God's Spirit descend upon them

539-What does Epiphany mean?
A: Epiphany means "manifestation" or the making of Christ known and is associated with the Baptism of Jesus and how Christ became known to the Gentiles.  Epiphany is a Feast Day on January 6th, and it is a day which is the beginning of a season of the same name.

540-What is an Epistle?
A: An epistle is a letter.  It is a section of the New Testament read from during the Eucharistic liturgy.  Many of the New Testament writings are letters.

541-What is the study of things which pertain to the biblical writings about the future destiny of humanity in this world?
A:  eschatology or the study of last things

542-Who were the Essenes?
A: They were a Jewish monastic sect before the time of Christ who lived near the Dead Sea.

543-What is the book of Esther about?
A: It is a story about a Jewish princess who wins the favor of a Persian Emperor and who intercedes to save the Jewish people from persecution.  It is basis for the Jewish feast of Purim.

544-What is eternal life?
A: it refers both to endless life and the spiritual quality of life which a person can know

545-What was Eusebius, Bishop of the Caesarea in the 3rd and 4th century known for?
A:  he is the Father of Church History and he is the source for our knowledge of early Church history

546-What does Evangelical mean?
A: evangelical refers to the preaching of the Gospel; it refers to Christians who regard it to be an obligation to share the message of Christ to as many people as possible.

547-What is an evangelist?
A: In the New Testament it refers to a travelling missionary.  The writers of the four Gospels are also referred to as the four evangelists.

548-Who was the first woman and how was she created?
A: her name was Eve and she was created from one of the ribs of Adam

549-What is Evensong?
A:  it is Evening Prayer done with chant and music

550-What does excommunication mean?
A: it is a church discipline when a priest or bishop prohibits a person from receiving communion because of degree of severity of one's sinful acts.  In general it means to exclude one from one group or fellowship

551-What is exegesis?
A: It is attempt to explain biblical texts through rules of interpretation.  In exegesis, a student of the Bible tries to understand who wrote a biblical book, where it was written and whom it was originally written for.

552-What is the general theme of the book of Exodus?
A:  Exodus refers to the people of Israel being led by Moses out of the land of Egypt and wandering in the wilderness.  It also includes the account of Moses receiving the law on Mount Sinai.

553-What does exorcism mean?
A:  it refers to the casting out of demons or unclean spirits of people who suffered from uncontrollable inner forces.  Jesus is presented and shown to be one who knew how to calm the hearts of people and release them from inner compulsive forces.

554-What is the Exultet?
A: it is a song of praise sung by the deacon at the Easter Vigil after the new Paschal Candle has been lit and put in place for the Easter Season

555-Who was Ezra?
A: Ezra was a priest and a scribe who helped reform Judaism when he led Jews given permission to return to Jerusalem from their exile in Persia in the 5th or 4th century before Christ.  The record of his life is found in the book of Ezra and Nehemiah of the Hebrew Scriptures.

556-What does the word "faith" mean?
A:  The Greek word for faith is "pistos" and it refers to what one believes or is persuaded about.  Faith can be used broadly to mean "religion" as in the Christian Faith.  Faith is said to be a gift of God and a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

557-What is the "Fall?"
A: Fall refers to the event recorded in the book of Genesis when Eve and Adam were tempted by the serpent to eat the forbidden fruit and began the "Fall" from the state of original innocence because they disobeyed God.  The Fall is used to explain why there is sin in this world.

558-What is a fast, fasting and Fast Day?
A: A fast is the special discipline of not eating food or ceasing regular activities for the purposes of religious devotion.  In the Episcopal Church there are two official Fast Days, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

559-Why are priests called Father?
A: It was a custom in the Roman Catholic church to call bishop and priests, fathers, in their roles as the head of diocesan or parish families.  It is not used as a title for priests in all Anglican Churches but is common in places in the Anglican Church.

560-What does Fathers of the Church refer to?
A: It refers to certain group of bishops in the early church who helped define the practices of Christianity.  In church history the study of the Church Fathers is call Patristics.

561-Why is "filioque" significant to the Western and Eastern Churches?
A: "filioque" means "and the Son" which was added by the Western Church version of the Nicene Creed.  "I believe in the Holy Spirit who proceeds from the Father and the Son."  The Eastern Church do not use the "filioque" and they cite this as one of the reason for the separation of the Eastern and Western Churches.

562-What is the firmament?
A: it refers to the sky dome on which the sun, moon and star rise and set found in the Creation Story.

563-Why is the Fish seen as a symbol of Christianity?
A:  the letters of the Greek word meaning fish formed an acronym for Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior. 

564-What is the Flight into Egypt?
A:  It records the sudden trip which Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus took to Egypt when Herod was killing the babies in Bethlehem.

565-What is the Flood?
A:  The flood is recorded in the book of Genesis and is the result of rain falling for forty days.  Noah, his family and pairs of animals were spared in the flood by taking refuge in a large boat called an ark.

566-When is foot-washing done in the liturgy?
A: It is done on Maundy Thursday in Holy week as a remembrance of what Jesus did for his disciple when he gave the new commandment to "love one another" and show through service to one another.

567-What is the Fraction in the Eucharist?
A: The Fraction is when the celebrant breaks the Eucharistic Bread after the saying of the Lord's Prayer.

568-What is a Friar?
A:  It is the title of one of the brothers in one of the religious orders, particularly the Franciscans, the Dominicans and the Carmelites.

569-What is the Christian group called the Society of Friends?
A:  It is a group founded by George Fox in 1688 and it is often better known as the Quakers.

570-What is a Frontal?
A: A frontal is a decorative cloth which hangs on the front of an altar.

571-What is meant by the word Fundamentalism?
A: Fundamentalism refers to a group of Protestant churches in the united states who made the literal inerrancy of the Bible its main belief including literal beliefs about the biblical story of creation.  It arose in part,  as a response to evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin.

572-Which Archangel appeared to both the Virgin Mary and to Zechariah?
A: The Angel Gabriel

573-What is the Epistle to the Galatians?
A:  It is a letter attributed of St. Paul and it is included in the books of the New Testament.

574-Why is Galilee important in New Testament geography?
A: Galilee is a district in Northern Palestine and it includes the location of the place where Jesus was raised and it was here where Jesus began his ministry.  Important towns in Galilee are Nazareth, Bethsaida, Magdala and Capernaum.  Many of the towns are located close to the Sea of Galilee.

575-Who was Galileo and why was he important?
A-He was an Italian astronomer in the 16th and 17th century who was confined by the Roman Catholic Church for writing in agreement with the heliocentric view of the solar system.

576-Who is Gamaliel?
A- He was a famous Rabbi during the time of the early church who was a teacher of St. Paul.  He is shown to be tolerant of early Christians, saying if the message of Christ was worthy and valid its success could not be challenged.

577-What is the Garden of Eden?
A- It is the first location of the Bible Story, a place where the newly created Adam and Eve lived.

578-What is the Garden of Gethsemane known for?
A-It was a garden near Jerusalem where Jesus and his disciples were praying before Jesus was seized by the soldiers for his trial and crucifixion.  In this Garden Jesus prayed while his disciples fell asleep.

579-What is Gehenna?
A- Gehenna is the Greek word for the Valley of Hinnom.  It was called the Valley of Slaughter and is used as the metaphorical word for the English word, hell, the abode of punishment in the afterlife. 

580-What is the first book of the Bible?
A-  Genesis, and it begins with the story of creation.

581-What is another name for the Sea of Galilee?
A-  Gennesaret

582-What does the word Gentiles mean?
A-  It is the Latin word "gentiles" translating a Greek word which means "nations" or "Greeks."  In common use it means non-Jewish.

583-What is the liturgical gesture genuflexion?
A- It is a momentary kneeling on the right knee as a gesture of reverence for the Reserved Sacrament, the consecrate dbread from the Eucharist signifying the presence of Christ.

584-Who is the patron saint of England and what mythical creature is he associated with?
A-St. George and the legends have him slaying a dragon

585-What is the Gloria in Excelsis?
A- It is the Latin for Glory in the Highest.  It was the song of the angels who greeted the shepherds in announcing the birth of Christ.  It is the name of a hymn of praise which has become associated with the Holy Eucharist and is used exclusively on Major feasts of our Lord.

586-What does Gloria Patri mean?
A-  It is the shorten name for the praise to the Trinity which is used at the end of reciting the Psalm during Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer.  It means Glory to the Father...

587-What is glossolalia?
A-  It is the from the Greek and refers to speaking with other tongues, a practice of the gift of ecstatic utterance which is list by St. Paul as a gift of the Spirit.

588-What is Gnosticism?
A-It comes from the Greek word for knowledge.  It became the name of early Christians who came to be regarded as those had departed from the true teachings of Christ.  The word Gnostic refers to those who thought that they had "special" or secret knowledge about God and Christ.

589-What is a Godparent?
A- A Godparent is a Christian person who is chosen by  parents to sponsor their child at the child's baptism and is a person who will be a teacher and mentor for the child.

590-What does the golden calf refer to?
A-When Moses stayed too long on Mount Sinai, the people of Israel got impatient and they demanded other gods and so Aaron made a golden calf for the people to worship.  When Moses saw the golden calf, he got angry and threw the stone tablets of the law on the ground and broke them.

591-What is the Golden Rule?
A-It is from a teaching of Jesus in Matthew called the Sermon on the Mount.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

592-What does the Good Samaritan mean in the Bible?
A- It is a title for a parable which Jesus told about a foreigner, a Samaritan who helped a beaten and robbed traveler when a priest and Levite had not stopped to helpthe hurt man on the side of the road.

593-What is the meaning of Gospel?
A- It is the English translation of the Greek word, "euvagellion" or good news.  Gospel became the name for the narratives about the life of Jesus.

594-What is a Gospeller?
A- The Gospeller is the person who reads the Gospel for the Eucharist, which means a deacon in the Episcopal Church if a deacon is present.

595-What is the meaning of Grace?
A-Grace is the undeserved favor which we receive from God for forgiveness and for salvation.  A Grace is also the title of a prayer said at mealtime to offer thanksgiving for the food.

596-What is a gradual?
A-It is music sung after the Epistle during the Eucharist and right before the Eucharist.

597-What is the Gregorian Calendar?
A- It is the calendar which replaced the Julian calendar in 1582.  The calendar change accounts for the difference in the dates for fixed feasts between the Western and Easter Churches.

598-Why is Pope Gregory the Great important for the Anglican Church?
A-He is the pope who sent Augustine to England as a missionary.

599-What is Gregorian Chant?
A-It was a special style of chanting the Psalms for the liturgy.  And it is associated with liturgical reforms of Pope Gregory.

600-What was Johann Gutenberg known for?
A-He lived in the 15th century and was the inventor of a movable type press.  Gutenberg Bibles meant that the Bible became more accessible to more people since it made text easier to reproduce.

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